Sunday 2 November 2014

Are Bullies Cowards In Disguise?

Bullies are cowards in disguise
I have shared this true story many times as I come across victims over and over again. If it gives encouragement, then it is worth mentioning more than once:-

A few years ago, I was travelling by train, to meet a friend who lived in Central London. The train stopped at a station and a man, who was as big as he was tall, came and sat next to me. He was built like a house; I must have seemed like a child next to him. And I thought to myself. “I wouldn’t dare mess with him.”

As more people boarded the train, a young lad entered the carriage; he stood, eating chicken and chips in a box; the mouth watering smell filled the whole compartment. The big man suddenly raised his voice to the young man and bade him not to eat on the train. His voice was so ferocious, everyone took note. The boy too was stunned; he stopped eating and closed the box. I was shocked also; the man’s voice sounded as fierce as he looked.

A few moments went by when the young lad tried to sneak a bite of his food. Again the man raised his voice and beckoned the boy to stop, at which point everyone was filled with apprehension. I shrunk into myself and the boy, who looked fearful, stopped eating and closed the box a second time.

A young woman was sitting opposite me, she said to the youngster. “If you want to eat, go ahead and eat!” The boy was so scared, he dare not. Soon, the train came into a station, everyone got off, including the boy. The young woman clung to her partner and said to the big man. “Bully! You should be ashamed of yourself!” And she quickly got off the train.

I was the only person left in the carriage and I shrank further into myself, sitting next to this huge man. But then, a strange thing happened; just before the door closed, a ‘bigger’ man came into the carriage; he was a big as he was tall. And, you would not believe it, in one hand, he had a cup of coke, in the other, a bag of chips and hamburger. The mouth watering smell filled the whole compartment.

This enormous man sat opposite the equally huge man, he took out his burger and looking at his counterpart, he began to eat. I was really scared at this point; I thought an argument or a fight would surely start now. I looked up at the big man next to me and then across at the other man. And, an even stranger thing happened.

The man sitting next to me said to the other fellow. “I bet that tastes nice.” The man opposite stopped eating, looked at him and said. “It does.” And he carried on eating. I thought “Uh!” And before I could blink, the big man next to me began to struck up a conversation with the other man, discussing where he was going, and what part of the country they both come from.

The train soon came to a halt and I got off at my station, leaving both men having a friendly chat. (The bigger man opposite continued eating his burger and chips of course.)

I was astounded, I could not wait to meet my friend and tell her about the incident, which I did. We discussed it; my friend said there was a message there for me, and I have to know what it is; bullies are cowards in disguise.

Hope you enjoyed the story.

Best Regards

D. A. Martin
Bestseller Author of Broken Oath

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