Sunday, 16 March 2014

The Perfect Gift For Mother's Day

30TH MARCH 2014

Renew your commitment to mum for mother’s day and give the perfect Mother’s Day gift with this great novel. 

Share the story 
that an oath broken is an oath that can be mended.
Show that you are still committed 
to acknowledging the importance of mothers
by ordering the book for her Now

Broken Oath is available on in paperback and on kindle.

D. A. Martin
Bestseller Author of Broken Oath

Monday, 10 March 2014

Many Lives One Soul - Broken Oath Book Review And Discussion continued

Many Lives One Soul - Broken Oath Book Review and Discussion: Part 2
Chapter One - Before the Beginning (The Lady of Stature)

Hello Readers

I have spoken to some of you and I am glad to see that you enjoyed the first part of the book review/discussion. So that you never miss any of my news and views on my book or any other topic, sign up to:-

So, let’s continue dissecting chapter one; the character of the Lady of Stature.

She is a strong young woman; with her own mind and her own will. One can assume she has never given in to any man. As we can see the Lord Supreme is unable to ‘break her.’ Still, the Lady knows her own limits. She is aware that her energy is slowing ebbing away and that soon she will either submit to her dilemma or die. And even when all seems loss, she has enough reserves to hold on and grasp any opportunity; the timely entry of the Physician. See how she is always in that ‘flight’ mode. Ready to escape any way she can.

Do you think the Physician knew exactly what he was doing when he chose that exact moment to enter her chamber and offer a solution to her predicament? Did he know she would ‘jump in’ first and think about where she has landed later?

Have we not all done that at one time in our lives? I know I have and found myself unable to severe bond I have agreed to, unless I am prepared to accept severe consequences.

Can it be that the Physician had intended all along to recruit the Lady; knowing this flaw in her character. This is a very special Lady; no ordinary being. It could be that she was chosen since the beginning of time and there would never be a ‘get out.’ clause for her. Her flaw would ensure her enrolment over and over again. Indeed the Universe knows her by her ethereal name; the Lady of Time. Wherever she reincarnates, that is who she is.

Those of you who have read the book will already know she can never escape that fact.

And so it is for us. Sooner or later our commitment catches up with us. Throughout my life, I have observed how people create all kinds of scenarios to avoid their responsibilities, including wilful ill health and disabilities. But karma, time and reincarnation are one enemy you cannot escape. They will find you, and you will do what you were ordained to do, whether you like it or not.

See how the Lady of stature easily slips into her role as Lady of Time, she may not know it but perhaps she has been down this road before. And the energy of Time wastes not the moment of unification and conforms to the force of the Lady as she soon wields her power to banish her gaoler to the 5th Dimension.

Speaking of which, it is not poetic justices that the Lord Supreme who dominated the Lady of stature ends up being dominated by a woman. The very woman who has always longed to have and to hold him, anyway she can.

Clearly the Universe has a sense of humour and despite our meagre plotting, Nature always hold all the cards to the master plan.

If ever you thought there was a conspiracy against you, then you are correct, the Universe is always conspiring. Far better to join the grand design than to be a lone architect. But then, that is the pathway the Lord Supreme had chosen. He wanted all his way or no way. His force was such that of all the dimensions, he ended up bound to a power very much like his own; reiterating the law of attraction.

He may have felt repulsed by the whole situation but the fact remains; like attract like and vice versa.

Let’s end the review/discussion here for now. I hope you enjoyed the reading.

Remember sign up to my bloglovin social media site and never miss another blog.

Warm Regards
D. A. Martin
Bestseller Author of Broken Oath

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Wednesday, 5 March 2014

Many Lives One Soul – Broken Oath Book Review and Discussion

Chapter One - Before the Beginning

Once again, thanks to all of you who have read my book. You now possess something no one else has; a part of the subconscious mind of the author. And if you join in this review/discussion, you will gain even more revelations.

It is interesting to note that each of you had different insights, views and your own favourite characters. And at least one of you was able to acknowledge that the story has depth; it does indeed go deep. If you as a reader can go that far into the abyss, it shows how open you mind is to the Universe, and that’s good. In that case, you really will enjoy these discussions.

Not a lot of readers know this, but chapter one was actually chapter 12. As I considered this my best chapter; the one I always talked about before I even published my book, under the advice of my mentor and coach Millionaire Author Stephanie Hale, this part of the book became the beginning of the story to set the scene for Broken Oath. (Which I might add was not the original title of the book either. But that is another topic for discussion.)

This chapter was meant to be a flashback into one of the many reincarnations of the Lady of Stature, or Lady of Time, otherwise known as Melee.

I was endeavouring to show the reader how it is not by accident that you can end up in a situation in life. Nor is it coincidence that your destiny takes you on a particular pathway. Your decision determines your destination. It is the result of the choice you made yesterday.

Consider how many times you have said to yourself. “Why am I here?” “Why is this happening to me?” “It is something I did in my past life?” Whilst you may make these statements flippantly at times, subconsciously, you are trying to remember a promise you made; An Oath, made a long time ago.

This is how it is with the Lady of Stature. And in fact, as those readers who have read Broken Oath have observed, even before this episode, she has already broken a commitment. In all her rebirth, she relived this cycle.

That being so, then it is not purely by accident that she ends up imprisoned in the fortress of the Lord Supreme.

Note that ‘around her waist was a deep belt, 5 inches wide. And attached to the belt was a chain…3 inches in diameter…with a length of 16 ft. It stretched from beneath her bed and allowed her limited mobility.’ What is that all about you may ask?

Well, from the point of view of the Universe, (although the Lady of Stature may not see it that way, because she has still to learn her lesson.) The belt, the chain, the limited mobility and the bed are significant. The belt is the belt of truth; the oath she took and that which the Universe still holds her to. This is confirmed on page 15 when the Lady calls to the Physician. “But what about this band around my waist?”…There was silence, and then his voice. “………….it will hold you to your Oath until the end of Time.”

The chain is to ensure the bond; the limited mobility is all that she has given up for the cause. The bed is personal. It was a choice that she alone made.

If you and I are honest, we can all identify with the situation, whether it be factual or metaphorically. How we view a situation and how the Universe creates it are 2 very different scenarios for one meaning. Which more often than not, we never connect the dots. Lucky for the Lady (including ourselves) there are many lifetimes to understand the lesson taught and get it right.

I’ll shall end this discussion now as some of you must be thinking, “Oh my goodness, this is too deep.” Plus when I write anything, it always comes from the creative energy within me. Once that is used up, I usually end up writing nonsense so it is best if I stop now.

I do hope this short discussion and insight gives you all food for thought.

We’ll catch up soon. Watch this space for more revelations in Chapter one of Broken Oath; we will continue reviewing the character of the Lady of Stature.

D. A. Martin
Bestseller Author of Broken Oath

PS: If you want to join the discussion, (on any of my social media platforms) get busy and read the book! It is also available on Kindle so there is no excuse.

Join me in Broken Oath Book Review and Discussion