Wednesday 21 January 2015

There Is No Spoon

This is a story for those of you who want to make your goals for the year 2015 but have taken yourselves out of the game before you even get started:-

I attended a personal development conference some time ago and during the event, everyone in the room had to choose a partner to do an exercise; each partner had to discuss how we dealt with obstacles that came into our lives.  

The lady I teamed up with said quite modestly.  “I’m afraid I will not be able to do this exercise.  I don’t know what she (the trainer) means.  I have never encountered an obstacle in my life.  I was brought up by my parents to believe that I can achieve anything.  So, if I want anything I just focus, I see it in front of me and I just go for it."  I listened to this lady, as she told her story.  I couldn’t believe it; she never experienced a situation in her life?

She went on to tell me how she came to this country a short while ago.  She just said to herself, ‘I want an ideal accommodation in London.’  She focused and got it.  She carried on talking; she wanted an ideal job, she focused and she got that too.  She wanted an ideal salary, she focused and it was given to her.  She did not envisage any obstacle in her path.  I watched and listened to her with intent, I took it all in. I could see in her eyes; one long road with absolutely no obstacles ahead.  How amazing is that!  Totally awesome!

I aspire to be just like her and you could too.  And if you think you'll have problems being like this young lady, remember The Matrix; the episode when the young child teaches Neo how to bend the spoon.

Remove those obstacles from your goals for 2015, just remember; there is no spoon!

Best Regards

Monday 5 January 2015

Walking Your Talk

A couple of weeks ago I was in my local bank waiting in the queue before two young ladies. They were talking rather loudly, in a discussion of the ways of people and their obsession over money; stating that it was just paper and not worth the piece it was printed on. One of the young women went on to say how if she dropped her money on the floor, how silly people would be to rush and grab the worthless bit of paper. She kept going on about how worthless it was.

I thought 'here is a lady with some strong beliefs and/or convictions.' I wanted to test her theory so I turned round to face her and noted she had about £15 in her hands. I said. "I'll take your money!" (It may be worthless but I could still find a use for it.) She stopped talking and stared at me. Her companion was silent also. I had a smile on my face and they both just glared at me; speechless. I could see she was annoyed as she held tightly onto her worthless money. The muscles in her face twitched subtlety as she held back whatever it was she wanted to say to me.

As I realised that she really wanted to hold onto her money I turned away. There was silence behind me for a while before they began talking; on another topic.

The worthless notes were of value to her after all.

Best Regards

D. A. Martin
Bestseller Author of Broken Oath