Broken Oath Book Discussion and Review: Prologue – Coincidences Coming Together
(Part 5) “The Lady of Time stayed on the Earth’s plane for many years and embraced her new life. She put her purpose and duty behind her. She felt secure in the knowledge that their paths would never cross again. But Time goes on relentlessly and regardless. Doors open and close; situations and circumstances come and go until eventually one door aligns with another and suddenly an opportunity arises to create a condition that allows unfinished and forgotten business to come back into play yet again.”
Hello Readers
There is a hidden story in the last paragraph of the Prologue. From my life experience, I have observed that complacency is a dangerous thing and only the wise, knows how to use such conditions to their own advantage. The wise one knows it is not only one force that is at play in any given moment of time. There is always someone or something waiting for an opportunity to exert its intention and sooner or later, that which we dread or fear will come into being.
I have observed that whatever it is you have left undone or unfinished, it does not die or cease to exists anymore; it simply waits for a complimentary energy to adhere itself to. It is usually in the form of a window of opportunity that will bring it back into your world and into play. Sometimes it’s a pleasant occurrence and sometime it is that situation you thought you would never have to see or live through again.
Time is power over everything and all that IS. It chooses when, and then the moment comes; to which you have no control or say in the matter, except how you deal the situation.
The Lady of Time felt secure that she had left her past behind her because periods passed without incident. It appeared as though the Lord Supreme was doomed to live a life of servitude to a new master or in his case, a new mistress. And the mistress; the unforeseen third party, is an energy that has been watching and waiting throughout time for the right force and window of opportunity to bring herself into his world but with a twist, the Lord Supreme is now in her world.
All these happenings are not mere coincidence; rather they are coincidences coming together for a bigger purpose brought on by a building up the energies of more than one unfinished business and the wisdom of a female who took the opportunity to exert her intention. And as she will find out to her displeasure, hers is not the only force at play. It is the nature of everyone to think that we are the only one that matter; the only one with a desire, never suspecting that there is always another energy waiting for that chance exert itself.
Complacency is a habit and it is contagious. Beware your karma, no matter what role you play in an existence, it will seek you out, eventually.
The last page of the prologue is spellbinding. The reader in now compelled to read on to the next chapter to find out the master plan.
Stay tuned, for in the next review, we will be examining Chapter One – An Old Wooden Box.