Saturday, 21 June 2014

Who Were You Then, Who Are You Now

I was looking in an old photo album for my school certificates and I caught sight of photos of me at 18 years old. I was amazed at what I saw. I looked at two photographs in particular:-
At 18, I was focused and in control of my life.
I saw in these pictures, a strong minded, confident young woman who was focused and in control of her life. She knew what she was doing and where she was going. And, the funny thing is, that although bad things had happened to her in her young life, it did not dampen her happy and pleasant personality or mind-set.

She did not allow events to deviate her from her pathway in life. She automatically allowed bad events go ‘over her head’. For her it was just ‘instinctive’. She was always in a state of ‘Repose and Poise’. She was not fickle. She was loyal and faithful and adhered to the Laws of the Universe. She was resourceful, resilient, dependable and reliable.

I remember that people used to think this young woman in the photo was older than her years because of her focus, maturity, knowledge and wisdom. As I looked at her pose in the photograph, it was a strong, grounded, confident poise that said ‘I AM’. I noticed the clothes she was wearing. It was not that of a teenager but a young person whose statement was;
At 19 years old I was resourceful,
 resilient, dependable and reliable. 

‘I know who I AM, I know where I am going; I know what I want in life.’

I saw this amazing Powerful person….I saw ME as I was then. I am this person now, as I was then. And, I still dress in my own style that says ‘I am ME, I know where I am going, and I know what I want in life’.

Not many people can still boast youth, vitality, and Personal Power past 50 years old.

But, you know, it wasn’t always this way for me. Between the ages of 19 and 38 years of age, a ‘thing’ happened to me and for whatever reason, I decided to forget how resourceful I was and made it an ‘issue’ for me. For many years I wandered in the wilderness, doing my ‘poor me’, ‘low self-esteem’, ‘victim’ drama. Life and opportunities passed me by. It took me many years to realise that this ‘performance’ was not getting me anywhere. So I made the decision to ‘buck up’ my ideas.

I embarked on a pathway of Personal Development in all areas of my life; body, mind and spirit and I regained my Personal Power. I AM, once more, this powerful person I was many years ago. This is my revelation. What an incredible accomplishment. I never really lost it; it was always there, within ME.

And, I will tell you a secret; do you know that everyone is born with the same Power that I have. As young children and/or young adults it is instinctive to be resourceful and resilient.

Not many people can still boast youth,
vitality, and Personal Power past 50 years old. 
We grow up, things happen to us or we make bad choices; it’s natural. We can either stay down or get up and start again.

Have you lost your personal power? What would you do or pay, to have your Power back. Are you ready and willing to give up your ‘stuff’? Take back what is rightfully yours. Whose life is it anyway? You know, you never really lost your Power; it is always within you.

People ask me if I still coach clients, the answer is Yes. Even though I am concentrating on my book(s), I will always make time to assist clients to get where really they want to be.

I can be contacted via my Coaching or Publishing social media platforms below.

Saturday, 14 June 2014

Does the Subconscious Mind Have A Sense Of Humour

I had another dream; I dreamt the Queen's guards
(and some on horseback) were keeping watch
outside my home.
A few of years ago, I was going on holiday for a week. At the time, there were a lot of burglaries going on in the area and I was concerned for my home. Feeling uneasy about leaving my home unattended, I sat quietly and asked my subconscious mind; if my apartment would be safe while I was away?

Soon enough, I dreamt that the fire brigade was keeping watch outside my home. In my dream, I looked out of my window, and there they were; fire engines everywhere. But that dream was not enough, I was still not convinced.

A couple of days later, I asked the question again; will my home be safe while I am away?

Again, I had another dream. I dreamt that the Queen’s guards (and some guards on horseback) were keeping watch outside my home. In my dream, I looked out of my window and there they were.

Yet still, I was not content. I was as concerned as ever. A third time I asked my subconscious mind; will my home be safe while I am away on holiday? Sure enough, in a night or two I had a dream.

I dreamt that the Thunderbird Four submarine had landed in our back garden. Out came about six or more S.A.S soldiers, all dressed in black. How did I know that they were S.A.S; well, because they had S.A.S printed on their backs. They came into my apartment carrying guns, looking in all the rooms. I just stood there and watched them and I burst out laughing. I laughed so much that I actually woke up from the dream still laughing.

I knew then, without a shadow of a doubt that my home would be safe. I laughed even more to know that my subconscious mind does indeed have a sense of humour.

Needless to say I had my holiday; worry free and my home remained safe.

Thank God for our subconscious mind, even if we haven’t yet learnt to listen when it communicates with us.

D. A. Martin
Bestseller Author of Broken Oath