I don't know any authors that are struggling to make ends meet but I do know authors like myself, we are ordinary people with ordinary jobs like everyone else. (Yes, we are still in our day jobs.) We juggle our household bills, credit cards, personal spending money etc just like the rest of society.
I agree with my learned friend, people do have a false impression of authors. Since publishing and launching my fantasy fiction Novel; Broken Oath, on Amazon.co.uk in November 2013, I have had all sorts of weird reactions from people who know me. It is particularly interesting to note the number of people who are suddenly obsessing over my bank balance. My grown daughter doesn't know how much I put into my account at any given day so why would I tell anyone else?
And some people are aggrieved to pay me money for my book because they feel they are 'putting money into my pocket.' Get over it, it's a product like anything else. You buy it because you like it; you wouldn't buy it otherwise.
Can you imagine if we all obsessed over whose spending our money everytime we bought something; we'd all be in a madhouse.
If you look around you, the person next to you is probably an author. We shop in Tesco and Morrisons and we buy the store brands. And, some of us even buy our clothes from Primark.
For myself and maybe even other authors, when I come home from my day job, while society is watching TV, I am working at marketing my book. There may well be other authors who are writing their book after work and we probably spend more money than we get back.
My hat off to those authors who make it big and have a massive bank balance. Well done, you deserve it. When I make it big as an author, you will know because I will be living in a secure gated detached house; so no one can knock on my door and ask me for money.
Best Regards
D. A. Martin
Bestseller Author of Broken Oath
For myself and maybe even other authors, when I come home from my day job, while society is watching TV, I am working at marketing my book. There may well be other authors who are writing their book after work and we probably spend more money than we get back.
My hat off to those authors who make it big and have a massive bank balance. Well done, you deserve it. When I make it big as an author, you will know because I will be living in a secure gated detached house; so no one can knock on my door and ask me for money.
Best Regards
D. A. Martin
Bestseller Author of Broken Oath