Sunday, 19 October 2014

Why Are We Resourceful When Very Young But Become Less Capable As We Get Older?

Broken Oath Book Review – 
Chapter Three
I am still randomly bumping into people who have bought my book; thank you all once again for your fabulous feedback.

It is interesting to note what part of the book sticks in people’s mind. I recently met one reader who liked the resourcefulness of Melee as a child in this chapter (three); she adapted well in her environment; growing up with a single parent who was not always there.

This part of the book is deliberately focused on the resilience of the young characters; Melee and her cousins and to show how energies connect and are attracted to each other. We never randomly meet who we are meant to meet. There is always something there that binds us; a kindred invisible cord.

In this case, Melee and her male cousins share many commonalities; growing up with single parents who were unable to see to their emotional needs and welfare.

Another trait they all share is their resourcefulness and resilience. They never complained and Melee at least did not show signs of stress; they accepted their lot and got on with life as they knew it.

Melee learnt to keep quite when her father was not around. The cousins never questioned their mother when she left them for long periods at a time and they never begged her to stay home, not even for one night.

Some readers think their personalities unusual, whilst others like their strong characters. I have often written in my Life Coaching Newsletter how although we complain about our lot as adults, in fact, we do have the power to change our lives. All we have to do is to remember when we were young; a thing happened to us and we dealt with it; we were resourceful, resilient and bounced back. Now as adults we convince ourselves we need therapy, counselling or a psychiatrist. Be honest with yourself, you know that is what you do. I know I did.

Now, I stick pictures of myself as a young person all around my room to remind me that I am powerful. I can deal with any situation. I can adapt. I don’t do ‘poor me’ anymore. And whenever I feel myself backsliding, I simply look at myself in the pictures and I think ‘wow, your awesome Dora, I aspire to be like you.’

Going back to the cousins, their unattended emotional needs draws them to each other. Melee enters a home whereby three people will love, care and watch over her and she returned the favour by healing their souls with her unconditional love.

By mutually connecting the needs and strengths of each other, the energy of the home changed and the cousins all thrived.

Along with the resourcefulness of the characters in this chapter; intuition was another trait added. Melee and Jed are very intuitive; no wonder they bonded together very well.

Melee dreamt she saw a woman who was her mother and told her that she will soon a have baby brother to look after. When she woke up, she believed it in her heart and shared it with her family. It is normal for her family members to laughter at her; what does she know. But her aunt knew all too well. I can imagine the aunt thinking; how could she possibly know.

I believe that children are always very intuitive to begin with, and then as we grow into adults, we lose it. Our inner self becomes encrusted with emotional ‘stuff.’

I remember one day when my daughter was around 7 years old; we were playing in her bedroom and without warning she looked up at me and said. “Mummy, someone’s knocking at the door.” I said “No, darling, there’s no one knocking.” It was quiet in our apartment and I did not hear anything. Still, I got up and when to the door to have a look. I opened the front door and looked around; there was no one in sight. I returned to play with her and sure enough within a minute or so, there was a knock at the door; we had a visitor. It did throw me a little, but I accepted it.

Try to imagine what was going through Jed’s head when indeed he did notice his mother’s belly getting bigger. How he must have been wondering; how did Melee know, how could she have dreamt this; she’s only a child.

The energy in that household surely did change as everyone except Melee, was now under stress as her dream came into fruition with the birth of Malachi.

Everyone felt powerless and Melee was in her element.

Very often now, when I am under pressure, I have to think back in time; that time when bad or unwanted things happened but I still mastered the situation.

The power is always within us, it was there from the very beginning of our lives.

I hope you enjoyed these comments and insights of this review. Feel free to add your own views.

And if you haven’t a clue what I am talking about, well, now is the time to get your copy of Broken Oath, read it and keep up with the discussion.

By the way, if you have purchased the book but haven’t read it yet; you have no idea what wisdom you are missing out on.

Best Regards
D. A. Martin
Bestseller Author of Broken Oath

Saturday, 11 October 2014

How To Take Years Off Your Looks In Minutes

Some time ago, I visited a widower who
at the time was in his late 70s.  I rang  
the doorbell and he came to answer the door. (Now, when I saw him last he looked really healthy, well groomed and he had a bright appearance about his face.) 

On this occasion, he look haggard, his face very drawn and I could see his cheek muscles hanging. He had dark rings around his eyes.  I asked him if he was feeling OK, he said he was fine. I asked if I had woken him up, he said no, he said had been in the kitchen cooking. Still, he did not look good at all and all sorts of scenarios was buzzing around in my head as to why the change in his countenance. Was he really ill and just not telling me? Had he not
been taking his medication?

We sat and talked and he moaned his usual moan, (making his face more haggard). I quickly changed the topic and I asked him whether he still kept in touch with a female friend he used to know.  Well, that stopped him in his tracks. He said he had lost contact with her and then suddenly, as he began to reminisce about their relationship, within a few minutes his countenance changed.

The transformation was amazing. As he talked about the relationship, his eyes became bright, as did his face, his cheek muscles lifted and he had a light aura about him. His face transformed to a healthy glow, I thought if only I could have captured this on video. If only he could see himself; before and after. Even his body changed from a hunched back, poor old man to a person sitting upright with something to look forward to.

I could see that thinking of this woman made him feel good. He even laughed. He now looked like the healthy, bright faced mature man I saw a couple of weeks ago.

When I finally left him, I said goodbye to a man walking upright, with a light in his eyes, health on his face and something warm and loving, simmering in his heart.

Transformation at the blink of an eye!

Best Regards

D. A. Martin
Bestseller Author of Broken Oath