Broken Oath Book Review - Chapter Four
In this chapter: Baby in the Woods, again we see the strength and might of young Melee as a child; she knows exactly what to do with regards to the care of Malachi after his birth, she needed no parental guidance and her intuition was at its highest. She knew instinctively that she was Malachi's champion.
Although Malachi was weak and sickly, yet he thrived under the relentless care of Melee. It is astonishing to see the mind of this champion; when Malachi's mother took him into her room at night, not to nurture him but to aide in his demise, who but Melee would think to creep back into the room when her aunt was asleep and steal her baby cousin away to feed him and to administer his medicine. And put him back before his mother noticed he was missing.
We see how frustrated the aunt was becoming when Malachi simply would not die. For all her own skills and cunning, she could not outwit Melee or the law of nature; Malachi was here to stay and she was force to take desperate measures – to bury him alive in the woods.
Were it not for the heightened intuition of Melee, that caused her to remained alert all night and followed her aunt into the woods, Malachi would not have survived.
The courage of this young child should have been seen in her older cousins but it was surely lacking. It may be because deep down inside, they too did not want the life of Malachi in their household and so they buried their awareness, hoping it would all go away. They were all being challenged by a little girl whose will and might was stronger than everyone and although they did not know it, they were lucky to have her in their fold.
As she walked back home through the woods with little Malachi in her arms in the early hours of the morning, there was no room for fear in her heart. She did what had to be done and found her way back home. I am sure there will come a time when she is older and she will look back and think to herself; did I really do that?
Can you imagine a time when you were young and you did something really brave? Sometimes when you look back on yourself, you do wonder where the courage came from?
I remember when I was very young, maybe 8 or 9 years of age, in those days we had paraffin heaters to keep our bedroom warm at night. I was asleep with most of my siblings in one room when a sense told me to wake up; as I did so, I saw the heater was ablaze with fire. I didn't scream as one would expect a child to do, I jumped out of my bed and ran to turn on the bedroom light only to see that the room was filled with dense smoke. I roused my siblings and called my dad. I kept calm the whole time even though the situation was frightening.
My dad came and took us out of the room and into their bedroom. I can remember they cleaned the inside of our noses with tissues which were blackened from the soot of the smoke and the mucus from our throat was black also but we all survived.
I don't know what was going through my mind, I just instinctively did what I had to do.
Melee acted on her nature and her energy was infectious as she also influenced her cousins, especially Jed to now keep a watchful eye on Malachi and take responsibility for his welfare. His mother faded into the background, she had fulfilled her role; to give birth to Malachi, nothing more.
The energy of Melee was such everyone needed to be alert in order to keep up with her
In the next review, we will look at the relationship and personality of Melee and Malachi as they grow up together.
Hope you enjoyed this review and maybe jogged some memories of yourself as a courageous child.
Best Regards
D. A. Martin
Bestseller Author of Broken Oath
D. A. Martin
Bestseller Author of Broken Oath