Monday, 30 March 2015

Easter - Time To Reflect Beyond Reality

For most of humankind, Easter is         a time to ponder on resurrection.

For the rest of humanity, it's time to
reflect on a broken oath, a new beginning through reincarnation, 
déjà vu, time travel into other dimensions and overcoming 
conspiracies of the Universe.

Escape from the norm this Easter and lose yourself in this captivating novel; Broken Oath, order your copy Now on or, make this book the perfect Easter gift.

Best Regards
D. A. Martin
Bestseller Author of Broken Oath
Awarded An Honorary Mention
by the London Book Festival Award (2014)

Friday, 20 March 2015

Developing Your Intuition – A Set Of Keys

As I mentioned in my last blog, I now follow and truly believe in my intuition. Here’s an amazing story giving testimony to the power of the subconscious mind.

Some time ago I lost a set of keys to the garage where I park my car at night, as a result of course, I was unable to use my car. I knew I had it on me when I came home that evening. I searched everywhere but I couldn’t find it. I was frustrated, then, I remembered how great my subconscious mind is; the all seeing eye, that sees and knows everything. So, before going to sleep that night, I spoke to my subconscious. I relayed the problem and asked if it could show me where my garage keys were. A day or two later, I dreamt I was looking down into my apartment and a ‘wordless thought’ spoke and said my keys are in the flat. I woke up and thought, Ok, I now know my keys are in the home and I did not drop them outside. I need to be more specific as I had already looked in every room.

The following night I went through the same process; I spoke to my subconscious and asked where in the flat were my keys. And sure enough, a night or two later, I dreamt I was looking down into my lounge and the ‘wordless thought’ lead me to believe that this is where my keys can be located. I searched the whole room and still I could not find them. Yet again, before sleep, I had a another conversation with that all seeing eye of mine. I stated that I couldn’t find the keys, and again asked where they were. And I left it at that.

I went on with my daily life and one day a friend invited me round to dinner and I accepted. When I arrived at his abode, I noticed the seats of his settee were positioned vertically. When I asked why, he stated, it helps to prevent the seats from becoming soft and saggy; placing them upright from time to time puts them back into shape and the settee lasts longer and will remain firmer for a considerable period of time. I was impressed. I thought; I had my settee for a long time, perhaps I should try this technique.

The very next day, whilst no one was at home, I decided to place the seats of my settee upright. And as I turned up each seat, to my amazement, there were my garage keys. I had checked the settee before but I realised I only slid my fingers down the side, I did not take up each seat. I thanked my subconscious mind; the fountain of all knowledge which give me the answer to my questions in a most curious way.

Best Regards                                                           
D. A. Martin
Bestseller Author of Broken Oath
Awarded An Honorary Mention
by the London Book Festival Award (2014)