Sunday, 27 September 2015

Round and Round In A Karmic Loop

Broken Oath Further Book Review -
Chapter Five

I recently attended a seminar where I listened to the speaker talk on the subject of Karma. I paid particular attention on the subject of getting caught up in a karmic loop. It was determined that there is a ‘waking up’ period in our spiritual growth where we understand our circumstances. We see the lesson to be learnt, then supposedly moving on to the next stage which is ‘being awake.' This is determined as being in the situation; being conscious of the lesson, taking it on board and moving on.

The karmic loop is where we stay in the situation and even when it is gone and we find another similar scenario to get involve in, thus staying in the karmic circle; going round and round – not learning and/or accepting the lesson.

Many of us are guilty of being in a karmic loop in one form or another; for example, the relationship that does not serve you but you stay in it anyway. Or, it ends and you find another union just like the last one.

I confess there was a time in my life when I was stuck in the loop. It took a great deal of courage and discipline on my part to acknowledge that I had learnt my lesson and was now ready to move on with ease.

And so it is with the Lord of Karma - Karob.

In chapter five Karob is awake and recalls he has unfinished business from his previous existence. He pushes hard to return to Earth and relive the moment.

We will see that even though he gets his way, conditions are put in play to make it hard for him to achieve his goal and even cause him discomfort, together with pain; once he enters Earth's plane, he encounters one obstacle after another. How much frustration is he prepared to take before he acknowledges that it is time to move on?

The pitfalls that lay in wait for him are meant to give a painful jolt to his mindset and/or consciousness to move him out of his karmic loop and help him to understand that his priority is that of a Karmic Lord and not a lover; his emotional feelings are irrelevant. He is portrayed as very intelligent, yet will he be able to come to a resourceful conclusion that will release him?

We are all guilty of being as stubborn as a mule; going round and round in a karmic loop, either unable or unwilling to free ourselves.

The Universe does all it can to help us move on and when we can’t or refuse to get out of our karmic cycle, sometimes pain, in whatever form is inevitable, if it is the only way out for us.

Best Regards
D. A. Martin
Writer and Bestseller Author of Broken Oath
Awarded An Honorary Mention
by the London Book Festival Award (2014)

Tuesday, 15 September 2015

Inside Scientology And Escaping The Witnesses

Hello Readers and new subscribers

After a much needed break, it's time to get back in touch with the power of the pen.

Inside Scientology And Escaping The Witnesses (TV documentary; 28 August 2015 on Channel 5)

Did anyone see this documentary? It was very interesting. In this television program we hear the stories of two women and their experiences with regards to the religious groups they joined, the tactics used by the cults to break their will and control them.

I noted that although these women managed to break free from their oppressors, they were so conditioned; they couldn’t help going back into the fold of those they claimed to have abused them mentally, physically, sexually and psychologically.

It was thought-provoking to observe the behaviour of both women; as well as the above, they also experienced isolation from the religious group and being kept from their families.  Yet, as the injustice was done to them, both convinced themselves that it was for the greater good in order for them to be accepted into the cult.

I recall one of the women stated that if she became subservient, all her mistreatment would go away. But in fact it did not, it continued to get worse.

It took great guts and courage for these women to reclaim their personal power and recreate their lives again.

This documentary resonates with me because from my own life experience, I have seen these tactics, and/or similar behaviour displayed by groups, organisations, families, including individuals in all areas of life. (Not to mention my own.) The story told by these women are by no mean isolated or unusual.

The bullying/mistreatment element; I have observed that whilst being the victim, thinking your perpetrator(s) will like and/or give you a break from your torture and degradation if you submit, is an illusion; you will be and are despised even more - the message you are giving out is permission to be abused.

We all know that energy attract like energy; we draw the circumstances into our lives when our own power is at a low frequency. We bring about the scenarios mentioned to plague us.  Or more specifically, teach us a lesson.

Through my own life experience, I have observed that there are people in society who’s agenda it is, to seek out any person of vulnerability. Their goal is to take full advantage of the signals being given out by weak souls and abuse them until they have enough power to say STOP.

I remember all too well when I was unfortunate enough to come into contact with a religious group. It was a time in my life when I was very young; in my early 20s, lonely and vulnerable. I had been recently divorced for my husband, was raising my daughter on my own and receiving benefits.

I became friendly with the nephew of a friend. I had no idea they were heavily into their cult. As my friendship with this nephew continued, I became aware that this man (who I subsequently nicknamed ‘John the Baptist’ because of his severe bible bashing tactics), began using psychology to break down my will and make me question everything that I did in my daily everyday life.

He would telephone me constantly; made me tell him everything about my daily routine and then question all that I did. I was becoming indecisive and began to think that I had to run everything by him. (Looking back; he was very good - he rarely set a foot in my home, yet I allowed him to control me from a distance.)

In all my everyday undertaking, personal or otherwise, I had to ask his permission including going out. I became very self conscious and doubtful.

As time went by I began to feel spiritually suffocated and one day when he telephoned to deliver his usual manipulative words disguised as the teachings of God, I plucked up the courage to tell him that I did not need him controlling me anymore and telling me what to do in my everyday life. I had managed very well before he appeared and I can continue to do so on my own. He was somewhat shocked and surprised. I offered to give back all the literature he bombarded me with during our friendship but he said I could keep them. (How Kind!)

He didn’t say much during the phonecall and I never saw or heard from ‘John the Baptist’ again. This may well have been the beginning of what was to come; like the women in the documentary.  I was lucky to escape before he could crush my spirit.

But wait…that’s not all. As if I didn’t learn my lesson the first time; I encountered yet another religious group who tried to recruit me. I almost when through the same routine when I nipped it in the bud. Clearly I must have had, depression, low self esteem, loneliness, desperation and vulnerability written all over my face.

I had to do a lot of soul searching, personal and spiritual develop to bring my energy up to a higher level to rid these religious vampires from my environment.

The women's story like my own is not limited to a religious cult. I have observed that these oppressive and dark forces move in every circle of life. Their ‘disciples’ are everywhere and they prey on the weak and vulnerable, whether it be an individual, a group, a family, a nation or continent. They divide, isolate and erode souls; making them easy prey to control.

Like the women in the documentary, I have come a long way since that young vulnerable woman. I was fortunate to escape my soul being imprisoned forever.

Best Regards

D. A. Martin
Writer and Bestseller Author of Broken Oath
Awarded An Honorary Mention
by the London Book Festival Award (2014)