Saturday, 20 December 2014

What's A Good Reason To Get Out Of The Office Party

You won't get much excitement from the office party, but you will from this thrilling fantasy fiction novel; Broken Oath, a book that will take you on a journey of:-

- Time travel 
- Other dimensions
- Reincarnation 
- Déjà vu 
- Forgotten oaths 
- And conspiracies of the Universe.

It's not even the kiss under the mistletoe that will give you pleasure, but this must-read book that will have you holding your breath up to the last page.

What better reason to get out of the office party and find a more heightened stimulation to take you out of this world. 

This excellent festive stocking filler is available in paperback and kindle on and

Saturday, 13 December 2014

Snuggle Up With A Good Book This Christmas

Snuggle up with a good book this Christmas.     

This thrilling fantasy fiction novel will take you on a journey of:-

- Time travel 
- Other dimensions
- Reincarnation 
- Déjà vu 
- Forgotten oaths 
- And conspiracies of the Universe.

A must-read novel that will have you holding your breath up to the last page.

Get away from the norm this Christmas and take yourself out of this world with Broken Oath.

This excellent festive stocking filler is available in paperback and kindle on and

Season Greetings

D.A. Martin
Bestseller Author of Broken Oath

Monday, 24 November 2014

Reloaded - Why Are We More Resourceful And Intuitive When We're Young?

Broken Oath Book Review - Chapter Four

In this chapter: Baby in the Woods, again we see the strength and might of young Melee as a child; she knows exactly what to do with regards to the care of Malachi after his birth, she needed no parental guidance and her intuition was at its highest.  
She knew instinctively that she was Malachi's champion.

Although Malachi was weak and sickly, yet he thrived under the relentless care of Melee. It is astonishing to see the mind of this champion; when Malachi's mother took him into her room at night, not to nurture him but to aide in his demise, who but Melee would think to creep back into the room when her aunt was asleep and steal her baby cousin away to feed him and to administer his medicine. And put him back before his mother noticed he was missing.

We see how frustrated the aunt was becoming when Malachi simply would not die. For all her own skills and cunning, she could not outwit Melee or the law of nature; Malachi was here to stay and she was force to take desperate measures – to bury him alive in the woods.

Were it not for the heightened intuition of Melee, that caused her to remained alert all night and followed her aunt into the woods, Malachi would not have survived.

The courage of this young child should have been seen in her older cousins but it was surely lacking. It may be because deep down inside, they too did not want the life of Malachi in their household and so they buried their awareness, hoping it would all go away. They were all being challenged by a little girl whose will and might was stronger than everyone and although they did not know it, they were lucky to have her in their fold.

As she walked back home through the woods with little Malachi in her arms in the early hours of the morning, there was no room for fear in her heart. She did what had to be done and found her way back home. I am sure there will come a time when she is older and she will look back and think to herself; did I really do that?

Can you imagine a time when you were young and you did something really brave? Sometimes when you look back on yourself, you do wonder where the courage came from?

I remember when I was very young, maybe 8 or 9 years of age, in those days we had paraffin heaters to keep our bedroom warm at night. I was asleep with most of my siblings in one room when a sense told me to wake up; as I did so, I saw the heater was ablaze with fire. I didn't scream as one would expect a child to do, I jumped out of my bed and ran to turn on the bedroom light only to see that the room was filled with dense smoke. I roused my siblings and called my dad. I kept calm the whole time even though the situation was frightening.

My dad came and took us out of the room and into their bedroom. I can remember they cleaned the inside of our noses with tissues which were blackened from the soot of the smoke and the mucus from our throat was black also but we all survived.

I don't know what was going through my mind, I just instinctively did what I had to do.

Melee acted on her nature and her energy was infectious as she also influenced her cousins, especially Jed to now keep a watchful eye on Malachi and take responsibility for his welfare. His mother faded into the background, she had fulfilled her role; to give birth to Malachi, nothing more.

The energy of Melee was such everyone needed to be alert in order to keep up with her

In the next review, we will look at the relationship and personality of Melee and Malachi as they grow up together.

Hope you enjoyed this review and maybe jogged some memories of yourself as a courageous child.

Tuesday, 11 November 2014

What Makes A Bully Tick?

I have published this story a few years ago in my coaching Newsletters, but some things, if it is important, needs to be said more than once:-

Harriett was the office bully; she has been in her company for many years and she ran the pack. The office had its pecking order and Harriett was on top.

She had no seniority title or better knowledge about the workings of the company; she was just an ordinary office worker like all the other members of staff. She was however, very skilled at bullying and intimidating people, especially newcomers to the company. She also had her deputy bully and her assistant bully.

She was very friendly with the manager because they were old friends and went back a long way. She would often be left in charge of the office (and staff) in the manager’s absence, so it was accepted that Harriett could do no wrong.

One day a new member of staff arrived; a young woman named Claudia. She was indeed a ‘new broom’ in the office; well dressed, confident and it was as if she had her own bubble around her. She was polite and courteous to everyone (because that was how she was brought up). She minded her own business and got on with her work with singularity of mind. And, as was expected because she was new, she did not understand the hierarchy in the office. So, Harriett had to let Claudia know her place in the pecking order, which was at the bottom.

Once Harriett gave the command, Claudia’s ‘training’ began; she was subjected to isolation, and on two occasions was invited out with the girls only to be totally ignored at the dinner table all evening. They simply refused to acknowledge her presence and if she spoke and/or tried to join in, no one responded.

There were continuous direct and unwarranted comments about her attire until Claudia was apprehensive about wearing anything new for fear of reprisals. If any senior member came to the office, Harriett would introduce everyone except Claudia; she was blatantly ignored. She was excluded from office emails so she was never in the loop about what was going on in the office; it made her seem incompetent and/or inefficient which only fuelled the unkind comments that was circulating about her.

Claudia also endured constant carping about her work. She could do nothing right. She was not allowed to speak to or befriend anyone in the office unless it was agreed by Harriett which in most instances, was not.

The bullying went on for many months and after untold series of events; Claudia became worn down and simply did not understand why she was being psychologically attacked. She was however, aware that Harriett was the office ‘bully master.’ Claudia wondered why Harriett behaved in such a manner and why others followed her.

She decided to do something about it and discussed the bullying to her Manager but it only made the attack worse; in that it became covert and with a vengeance.

Then, one day, per chance, Claudia entered the office unseen by Harriett and the others and stumbled upon their conversation. Claudia decided to remain behind some cabinets and listened:-

“……’re a bully Harriett. One of her colleagues commented.
“I know; I can’t help it.” She replied.
“My father left us when I was young and my mum struggled. She used to leave me with anyone and go off for the day or the evening. I never knew who she was with; she would leave me with from one day to the next. As I grew up I felt I had to be in charge and in control of any and every situation so that I would know where I am in my life.”

At that moment, Claudia understood Harriett; it all made sense to her now.

No one knew that Claudia was listening behind the cabinets and after that incident, Claudia made a conscious effort; rather than to react to the situation, she engaged fully in conversation with Harriett, to get to know and understand her better and they soon got on well. Harriett began to feel more safe and secure. And she would even confide in Claudia on certain personal matters. Needless to say, they became friends; the bullying stopped and Claudia got her working life back and began enjoying her work environment again.

Although Claudia changed the state of affairs in the office, she did not change who she was nor did she accept any pecking order or joined in bullying other members of staff. She talked to whom she liked and continued as she had when she started; getting on with her work and being courteous to everyone. The difference was that Harriett left Claudia alone because she no longer felt insecure by her presence anymore.

I hope you enjoyed the story; why not set yourself a goal and get to know what makes your bully tick. You’d be surprised, that once you learn their nature, you can empower yourself, your bully and change the story.

Best Regards

D. A. Martin
Bestseller Author of Broken Oath

Sunday, 2 November 2014

Are Bullies Cowards In Disguise?

Bullies are cowards in disguise
I have shared this true story many times as I come across victims over and over again. If it gives encouragement, then it is worth mentioning more than once:-

A few years ago, I was travelling by train, to meet a friend who lived in Central London. The train stopped at a station and a man, who was as big as he was tall, came and sat next to me. He was built like a house; I must have seemed like a child next to him. And I thought to myself. “I wouldn’t dare mess with him.”

As more people boarded the train, a young lad entered the carriage; he stood, eating chicken and chips in a box; the mouth watering smell filled the whole compartment. The big man suddenly raised his voice to the young man and bade him not to eat on the train. His voice was so ferocious, everyone took note. The boy too was stunned; he stopped eating and closed the box. I was shocked also; the man’s voice sounded as fierce as he looked.

A few moments went by when the young lad tried to sneak a bite of his food. Again the man raised his voice and beckoned the boy to stop, at which point everyone was filled with apprehension. I shrunk into myself and the boy, who looked fearful, stopped eating and closed the box a second time.

A young woman was sitting opposite me, she said to the youngster. “If you want to eat, go ahead and eat!” The boy was so scared, he dare not. Soon, the train came into a station, everyone got off, including the boy. The young woman clung to her partner and said to the big man. “Bully! You should be ashamed of yourself!” And she quickly got off the train.

I was the only person left in the carriage and I shrank further into myself, sitting next to this huge man. But then, a strange thing happened; just before the door closed, a ‘bigger’ man came into the carriage; he was a big as he was tall. And, you would not believe it, in one hand, he had a cup of coke, in the other, a bag of chips and hamburger. The mouth watering smell filled the whole compartment.

This enormous man sat opposite the equally huge man, he took out his burger and looking at his counterpart, he began to eat. I was really scared at this point; I thought an argument or a fight would surely start now. I looked up at the big man next to me and then across at the other man. And, an even stranger thing happened.

The man sitting next to me said to the other fellow. “I bet that tastes nice.” The man opposite stopped eating, looked at him and said. “It does.” And he carried on eating. I thought “Uh!” And before I could blink, the big man next to me began to struck up a conversation with the other man, discussing where he was going, and what part of the country they both come from.

The train soon came to a halt and I got off at my station, leaving both men having a friendly chat. (The bigger man opposite continued eating his burger and chips of course.)

I was astounded, I could not wait to meet my friend and tell her about the incident, which I did. We discussed it; my friend said there was a message there for me, and I have to know what it is; bullies are cowards in disguise.

Hope you enjoyed the story.

Best Regards

D. A. Martin
Bestseller Author of Broken Oath

Sunday, 19 October 2014

Why Are We Resourceful When Very Young But Become Less Capable As We Get Older?

Broken Oath Book Review – 
Chapter Three
I am still randomly bumping into people who have bought my book; thank you all once again for your fabulous feedback.

It is interesting to note what part of the book sticks in people’s mind. I recently met one reader who liked the resourcefulness of Melee as a child in this chapter (three); she adapted well in her environment; growing up with a single parent who was not always there.

This part of the book is deliberately focused on the resilience of the young characters; Melee and her cousins and to show how energies connect and are attracted to each other. We never randomly meet who we are meant to meet. There is always something there that binds us; a kindred invisible cord.

In this case, Melee and her male cousins share many commonalities; growing up with single parents who were unable to see to their emotional needs and welfare.

Another trait they all share is their resourcefulness and resilience. They never complained and Melee at least did not show signs of stress; they accepted their lot and got on with life as they knew it.

Melee learnt to keep quite when her father was not around. The cousins never questioned their mother when she left them for long periods at a time and they never begged her to stay home, not even for one night.

Some readers think their personalities unusual, whilst others like their strong characters. I have often written in my Life Coaching Newsletter how although we complain about our lot as adults, in fact, we do have the power to change our lives. All we have to do is to remember when we were young; a thing happened to us and we dealt with it; we were resourceful, resilient and bounced back. Now as adults we convince ourselves we need therapy, counselling or a psychiatrist. Be honest with yourself, you know that is what you do. I know I did.

Now, I stick pictures of myself as a young person all around my room to remind me that I am powerful. I can deal with any situation. I can adapt. I don’t do ‘poor me’ anymore. And whenever I feel myself backsliding, I simply look at myself in the pictures and I think ‘wow, your awesome Dora, I aspire to be like you.’

Going back to the cousins, their unattended emotional needs draws them to each other. Melee enters a home whereby three people will love, care and watch over her and she returned the favour by healing their souls with her unconditional love.

By mutually connecting the needs and strengths of each other, the energy of the home changed and the cousins all thrived.

Along with the resourcefulness of the characters in this chapter; intuition was another trait added. Melee and Jed are very intuitive; no wonder they bonded together very well.

Melee dreamt she saw a woman who was her mother and told her that she will soon a have baby brother to look after. When she woke up, she believed it in her heart and shared it with her family. It is normal for her family members to laughter at her; what does she know. But her aunt knew all too well. I can imagine the aunt thinking; how could she possibly know.

I believe that children are always very intuitive to begin with, and then as we grow into adults, we lose it. Our inner self becomes encrusted with emotional ‘stuff.’

I remember one day when my daughter was around 7 years old; we were playing in her bedroom and without warning she looked up at me and said. “Mummy, someone’s knocking at the door.” I said “No, darling, there’s no one knocking.” It was quiet in our apartment and I did not hear anything. Still, I got up and when to the door to have a look. I opened the front door and looked around; there was no one in sight. I returned to play with her and sure enough within a minute or so, there was a knock at the door; we had a visitor. It did throw me a little, but I accepted it.

Try to imagine what was going through Jed’s head when indeed he did notice his mother’s belly getting bigger. How he must have been wondering; how did Melee know, how could she have dreamt this; she’s only a child.

The energy in that household surely did change as everyone except Melee, was now under stress as her dream came into fruition with the birth of Malachi.

Everyone felt powerless and Melee was in her element.

Very often now, when I am under pressure, I have to think back in time; that time when bad or unwanted things happened but I still mastered the situation.

The power is always within us, it was there from the very beginning of our lives.

I hope you enjoyed these comments and insights of this review. Feel free to add your own views.

And if you haven’t a clue what I am talking about, well, now is the time to get your copy of Broken Oath, read it and keep up with the discussion.

By the way, if you have purchased the book but haven’t read it yet; you have no idea what wisdom you are missing out on.

Best Regards
D. A. Martin
Bestseller Author of Broken Oath

Saturday, 11 October 2014

How To Take Years Off Your Looks In Minutes

Some time ago, I visited a widower who
at the time was in his late 70s.  I rang  
the doorbell and he came to answer the door. (Now, when I saw him last he looked really healthy, well groomed and he had a bright appearance about his face.) 

On this occasion, he look haggard, his face very drawn and I could see his cheek muscles hanging. He had dark rings around his eyes.  I asked him if he was feeling OK, he said he was fine. I asked if I had woken him up, he said no, he said had been in the kitchen cooking. Still, he did not look good at all and all sorts of scenarios was buzzing around in my head as to why the change in his countenance. Was he really ill and just not telling me? Had he not
been taking his medication?

We sat and talked and he moaned his usual moan, (making his face more haggard). I quickly changed the topic and I asked him whether he still kept in touch with a female friend he used to know.  Well, that stopped him in his tracks. He said he had lost contact with her and then suddenly, as he began to reminisce about their relationship, within a few minutes his countenance changed.

The transformation was amazing. As he talked about the relationship, his eyes became bright, as did his face, his cheek muscles lifted and he had a light aura about him. His face transformed to a healthy glow, I thought if only I could have captured this on video. If only he could see himself; before and after. Even his body changed from a hunched back, poor old man to a person sitting upright with something to look forward to.

I could see that thinking of this woman made him feel good. He even laughed. He now looked like the healthy, bright faced mature man I saw a couple of weeks ago.

When I finally left him, I said goodbye to a man walking upright, with a light in his eyes, health on his face and something warm and loving, simmering in his heart.

Transformation at the blink of an eye!

Best Regards

D. A. Martin
Bestseller Author of Broken Oath

Monday, 29 September 2014

Laughter The Best Medicine

A while ago, I bumped into an acquaintance I had not seen for some time. She mentioned that she was going through a grievance in her family. 

For her own personal reasons, she could not bring herself to mention it to her colleagues at work, although she suspected they were secretly
discussing her. And it seemed that no one was talking to her or they kept their distance. 

She did say that she had been in a sad and depressive state for a long time. I mentioned that maybe those around her had now become too embarrassed to say anything to her.

I told her she was brave to go into work each day and not say anything to anyone. She said she simply could not discuss it. As she continued talking I instinctively broke the conversation and said.

“Do you remember the story about Alex who resigned from his job. He collected a tidy sum of money and gifts from his colleagues, but unknowing to everyone, he changed his mind and decided to stay. He boldly came into work on the Monday morning, sat at his desk and carried on as if nothing had happened. Everyone was talking about him but equally, they were all too embarrassed to ask him what he was doing back at work.  He continued coming in day after day and in the end everyone just forgot about it.”

She thought about the incident and burst out laughing. “Oh, yes”. She said. “That was so funny!” Whilst she continued laughing I said. “All you have to do is the same. And after a while, people will just get on with their jobs. Just act like Alex, like nothing happened.” And she laughed again. We talked about how bold Alex was, and each time I mention Alex’s name, she burst out laughing. She laughed until she was crying, and I laughed until I cried too.

I kept mentioning his name and each time we both laughed. Once I was sure that I had ‘anchored’ her in a positive frame of mind, I said. “Well on that note, I shall leave you.”

As I walked off I quickly turned round and said. “Don’t forget; just like Alex.” She spontaneously fell into a fit of laughter, having heard his name again and I could still hear her laughter as I continued walking.

A few days later I saw her again, she came up to me and said “You know, I feel so much better. I just think of Alex and I can’t stop laughing.” I said. “That’s good.”

And I must say, she did indeed look much better and she was more positive too. After that, everything became easy for her.

It just goes to show, laughter is the best medicine.

Best Regards
D. A. Martin
Bestseller Author of Broken Oath


Wednesday, 10 September 2014

Who Am I

Be Myself Only Better

Who Am I?

I am a descendant of my ancestors.

I am here because of them.

I know all that they did for me was not in vain.

How do I know?  Because I am here.

I am here because of my ancestors

All that I do represents them.

What more can I do?

I can be myself; only better.

Monday, 25 August 2014

If You Were A Biscuit, What Sort Would You Choose To Be?

I remember playing a biscuit game with some associates a long time ago. We asked; if we were a biscuit, what would we choose to be. It was a very interesting game and equally intriguing was the fact that even though we were playing and pretending, everyone chose a biscuit which was kindred to our personality trait. There was no getting away from the truth even when they changed their minds and chose another biscuit; a statement was made that was still true to their character.

One person chose a jaffa cake; because even though it was dark and bitter, people were drawn to the sweetness of the orange inside. And that was her exact personality.

Person two chose a bourbon because although this biscuits is hard, the central substance was soft or squashy, and that was her personality.

Person three chose a pink wafer; because it was pretty and flaky. And that was her true personality.

Person four chose a garibaldi biscuit; who wants to be a plain biscuit! Be different, be bold. Be the life and soul of a party, be noticed.  And that was her personality.

Person five chose a shortbread; because although it looks crumbly and  appears soft, it is actually harder than it looks and won’t break easily. And that was her personality.

What did I choose? Well, I chose a ginger nut biscuit.  Why?  Because it is hard to break. You can dunk it in a hot drink and it can still hold its ground. It takes a long dunk before it softens and/or fall to bits. It is long withstanding, durable. It is the last biscuit on the plate. People avoid it. Only those with strong teeth can bite into it. You need strength, determination and tenacity to engage a gingernut biscuit. And that sums up my personality.

Why not try this game with your friends and family; it can provoke some interesting conversation over the dinner table.

If you were a biscuit, what would you choose to be?

Best Regards
D. A. Martin
Bestseller Author of Broken Oath

Tuesday, 19 August 2014

How To Get Away From The Kids Over the Six Weeks School Holiday

Are you tired of running around after the kids for the past three weeks?

Not sure if you can make it to the end of the school summer break?

Maybe it’s time to escape! Maybe it’s time to break that Oath that you would keep your sanity for 6 weeks.

Treat yourself if you haven’t done so already to my exciting fantasy fiction novel; Broken Oath.

Forget about chasing after your kids and lose yourself in the magical world of the Lady of stature as she escapes from her gaoler; the Lord Supreme. Feel the excitement as she accepts her oath to become the Lady of Time and banishes the Lord to another dimension.

Lose yourself for a moment as 3,000 years go by when the Lady of Time, confident that she will never meet the Lord again, breaks from her pledge, only to bump into him on a battlefield.

Involve yourself in his emotions as he catches sight of her and is compelled to break his from his commitment in order to possess her again.

Feel the nerve racking anxiety as the Universe conspire to make them chose between their personal desires or uphold their oath. Will the Lady of Time regain her freedom? Will the Lord possess his Lady once more?

Give yourself a break and lose yourself in another dimension away from the kids. Travel into the world of the Lady of Time.

If you can get through the journey in this book, you can make it through the rest of the school holidays.

Broken Oath is available in paperback and on Kindle on

Order your copy Now!

Best Regards
D. A. Martin
Bestseller Author of Broken Oath

Tuesday, 5 August 2014

Have you ever met anyone you know, whom you have never met before?


“The Lady of Time struggled with her emotions. She knew the Queen observed everything but she could not bring herself to state what was true; she was paying the consequences of her own actions. This man whom she had escaped and had vanquished from her life forever, by chance had stepped back into her realm. He looked her straight in the eye, they connected and there was nothing she could do about it. As she struggled to answer the Queen, her mind chattered and inwardly she rebuked herself. She fought off the offending voices and made justification to herself; ‘I just want to live my life, to be free. How could this have happened? How could it happen? How could he have come back? I thought I was safe forever!’ The Lady of Time looked at Eteph El. It was time to come clean.

“Yes, I looked in his eyes. I looked into his eyes, we connected and I knew who he was.”

A similar scenario happened to me once, many years ago, I thought it meant that this was the chance for myself and my lost love to reconnect. It took a while for me to realise that this was not the case. The truth is we were both at different stages of our personal and spiritual development; although we were both the same age, with only six months difference, I was much more advance than him. This meant that our values and beliefs were not congruent with each other. Plus the fact that I had reoccurring dreams whereby I left him with the children we had together. I had these dreams until the day I had the strength to end our partnership.

It was interesting because while I was having these dreams, I also heard the voices of my unborn children crying out to come into this world. I prayed often and told these voices that this was not to be. They would not be conceived; my relationship with this man was unsteady and I did not want to cause them emotional anguish.

Once I let this man go, balance returned back into my life and the crying voices ceased. I look back and pondered; maybe I was just meant to acknowledge that we were here in this moment but on our own personal journey (in this lifetime.) And indeed, we were on completely different paths of development. It is not everyone that understands this. Sometimes are relationships are hard work or strained because we do not see the bigger picture. We do not acknowledge our intuitions when it is trying to tell us something through dreams or other warnings.

The Lady of Time already knew she would not engage with the Lord of Karma, but his force to complete his unfinished business was so strong that he could not see the bigger picture; that he and his lost love were on different paths and with very different roles to play. That being so, it caused higher powers to help him (or make him) understand that there would be no reconnection with his Lady in their present lifetime.

The stage was set not so much for the Lady of Time, but the anguish soul of Karob; Lord of Karma.

Life is about learning, growth and understanding and sometimes the Universe has to conspire what may seem to be against us, to give us a helping hand.

I hope you enjoy the brief review of this chapter. Please feel free to send me any more insights you discovered whilst reading my book. And keep a watchful eye for my next book review.

Best Regards

D. A. Martin
Bestseller Author of Broken Oath

Wednesday, 16 July 2014

Rowling Wealth 'misleading'

I read with interest the article in the 9th July 2014 Evening Standard by Kiran Randhawa on JK ROWLING'S success and wealth; the false impression it has given on the life as an author.

I don't know any authors that are struggling to make ends meet but I do know authors like myself, we are ordinary people with ordinary jobs like everyone else. (Yes, we are still in our day jobs.) We juggle our household bills, credit cards, personal spending money etc just like the rest of society.

I agree with my learned friend, people do have a false impression of authors. Since publishing and launching my fantasy fiction Novel; Broken Oath, on in November 2013, I have had all sorts of weird reactions from people who know me. It is particularly interesting to note the number of people who are suddenly obsessing over my bank balance. My grown daughter doesn't know how much I put into my account at any given day so why would I tell anyone else?

And some people are aggrieved to pay me money for my book because they feel they are 'putting money into my pocket.' Get over it, it's a product like anything else. You buy it because you like it; you wouldn't buy it otherwise.

Can you imagine if we all obsessed over whose spending our money everytime we bought something; we'd all be in a madhouse.

If you look around you, the person next to you is probably an author. We shop in Tesco and Morrisons and we buy the store brands. And, some of us even buy our clothes from Primark.

For myself and maybe even other authors, when I come home from my day job, while society is watching TV, I am working at marketing my book.  There may well be other authors who are writing their book after work and we probably spend more money than we get back.

My hat off to those authors who make it big and have a massive bank balance. Well done, you deserve it. When I make it big as an author, you will know because I will be living in a secure gated detached house; so no one can knock on my door and ask me for money.

Best Regards
D. A. Martin
Bestseller Author of Broken Oath

Monday, 14 July 2014

Create A Life Whereby Your Soul Can Thrive

After reading the first few pages of the book, Finding Your Own North Star by Martha Beck, I was really excited. She talks about our ‘social self’ and ‘essential self.'

The ‘social self’ is the appearance we put on for the public to be accepted by everyone; family, friends, work colleagues etc. This includes the job we decide to do, or the career we decide to take.

The ‘essential self’ is who we really are and doing what we really want to do. It is interesting to note the majority of people I meet give up the 'essential self' in favour of the 'social self' and in terms of making that emotional commitment, they give up what they really want in favour of what the other person want and then they spend their life pretending that everything is fine and dandy.

The unhappiness and emptiness comes from not living life according to your true self; not fulfilling and satisfying your soul.

It‘s been a few years since I gave up my social self for the much preferred essential self. And I’ve turned my life around. I have been places I never thought I would go to. I've done things I always wanted to do; I’ve become a Life Coach, NLP Master Practitioner, I have trained as a Interpersonal and Commercial Mediation Practitioner.

I spent my 50th birthday in Dubai and spent the morning flying around in a helicopter. I have been on holiday to Madeira on my own. My latest fullfilment as you know was publishing my first fiction book Broken Oath.

I am still training, studying and doing what my heart desires. I feel great. I am living my life, and feeding my soul by doing what I want to do.

That being so, it is no coincidence at all that I named my Coaching business Beyond Your Boundaries. Because that is what I am doing. And, whenever I can, I free people from their social self to their essential self. It's a wonderful feeling to watch them fly.

Do what you were meant to do, not what you feel you ought to. Don’t live any old life. Live Your life. Stop pretending and make it real. Create a life where your soul can thrive.

I am glad I have found my own North Star and my journey is far from over.

Put an end to following a black hole and reach beyond your boundaries to finding your own north star.

You have many options:-
  • You can read Finding Your Own North Star by Martha Beck and do her exercises.
  • You can contact me for coaching sessions.
  • You can find some other route to living your real life
  • Or you can carry on the way you are and achieve the same results 
Your life journey is waiting for you.

Best Regards
D. A. Martin
Bestseller Author of Broken Oath
Life Coach
NLP Master Practitioner

Saturday, 5 July 2014

Heart's Desire And Unresolved Issues - Broken Oath Book Review: Chapter One

Many thanks to those of you who have read my book; I have spoken to some of you and it’s great to have such wonderful feedback from you. I feel humbled. Please feel free to give me a review on You will be supporting me further as well as inspiring others to read this fantastic (your words) novel.

In this book review, I want to draw your awareness to the Contract. It was a deliberate intention to draw the brothers; Tjor and Rajad into believing that they could have their heart’s desire without having to pay a price. But then that’s human nature. We all want something for nothing. We all want good energy in return for giving out negative forces.

Imagine their horror when they realise, that as they intend to forfeit the liberty of those souls living beyond the wall in the kingdom of Saulle, so their lives would be forfeited even if one agreement is not adhered to within the contract.

Worse still, they had already set things in motion and there was no getting out of it. There was no room to change their minds because even that would bring the contract into disrepute and an end to their lives, their loved ones and their kingdom.

This may be fiction, but I am sure we can all give a similar story about ourselves or someone we know or have heard of; wanting something, signing the contract to get it and then experiencing that horrible feeling when it is known that a mistake has been made; a grave error one cannot get out of without incurring severe consequences or loss thereof.

I tried to make the contract as frightening as possible. Technically, nothing should go wrong but just the mere wording makes it sounds as though something might. It was truly meant to worry those participating in the contract. And it worked.

Mind you, if Karob hadn’t of taken his eye off the ball so to speak, everything would have worked out swell.

This too I can relate to, I am sure you the reader could too. I can tell a story where I took my eye of the goal for split second, the window of opportunity stepped in and my life took a different turn; not for the better I might add.

All that power Karob had and he let go for a ‘bit of skirt.’ Still, he couldn’t help it. He had unfinished business. It rose up from his subconscious and took over without reason or warning.

It can be a dangerous thing this unfinished business that lays dormant within us, following us throughout each and every lifetime, waiting to resurrect itself. Time does not heal this hidden issue, no matter how long the length of time you put between yourself, others and the original sin.

Whether purposefully or not, the window of opportunity is always waiting its chance to bring into being that which you least expects or desire. And Karob desired the Lady of Time. She in return did not expect to see him.

Can it be coincidence that through her disobedience, the Lady of Time meets her gaoler (the former Lord Supreme) again on the battle field? The Lady herself has unfinished business and the energy of their past recoils on itself and begins to manifest all over again.

Life will now change for Karob and the Lady of Time and there is nothing that either of them can do about it.

It can be a dangerous thing to break from a commitment. A perilous road if you break an oath, for there may be many a harsh stone that will wound your feet.

Karob and the Lady of Time will soon find out that bad things happen when you divert from your purpose.

Let me know if you have found more lessons in this chapter.

In the meantime, stayed tuned for the next review on chapter two.

Best Regards
D. A. Martin
Bestseller Author of Broken Oath

Saturday, 21 June 2014

Who Were You Then, Who Are You Now

I was looking in an old photo album for my school certificates and I caught sight of photos of me at 18 years old. I was amazed at what I saw. I looked at two photographs in particular:-
At 18, I was focused and in control of my life.
I saw in these pictures, a strong minded, confident young woman who was focused and in control of her life. She knew what she was doing and where she was going. And, the funny thing is, that although bad things had happened to her in her young life, it did not dampen her happy and pleasant personality or mind-set.

She did not allow events to deviate her from her pathway in life. She automatically allowed bad events go ‘over her head’. For her it was just ‘instinctive’. She was always in a state of ‘Repose and Poise’. She was not fickle. She was loyal and faithful and adhered to the Laws of the Universe. She was resourceful, resilient, dependable and reliable.

I remember that people used to think this young woman in the photo was older than her years because of her focus, maturity, knowledge and wisdom. As I looked at her pose in the photograph, it was a strong, grounded, confident poise that said ‘I AM’. I noticed the clothes she was wearing. It was not that of a teenager but a young person whose statement was;
At 19 years old I was resourceful,
 resilient, dependable and reliable. 

‘I know who I AM, I know where I am going; I know what I want in life.’

I saw this amazing Powerful person….I saw ME as I was then. I am this person now, as I was then. And, I still dress in my own style that says ‘I am ME, I know where I am going, and I know what I want in life’.

Not many people can still boast youth, vitality, and Personal Power past 50 years old.

But, you know, it wasn’t always this way for me. Between the ages of 19 and 38 years of age, a ‘thing’ happened to me and for whatever reason, I decided to forget how resourceful I was and made it an ‘issue’ for me. For many years I wandered in the wilderness, doing my ‘poor me’, ‘low self-esteem’, ‘victim’ drama. Life and opportunities passed me by. It took me many years to realise that this ‘performance’ was not getting me anywhere. So I made the decision to ‘buck up’ my ideas.

I embarked on a pathway of Personal Development in all areas of my life; body, mind and spirit and I regained my Personal Power. I AM, once more, this powerful person I was many years ago. This is my revelation. What an incredible accomplishment. I never really lost it; it was always there, within ME.

And, I will tell you a secret; do you know that everyone is born with the same Power that I have. As young children and/or young adults it is instinctive to be resourceful and resilient.

Not many people can still boast youth,
vitality, and Personal Power past 50 years old. 
We grow up, things happen to us or we make bad choices; it’s natural. We can either stay down or get up and start again.

Have you lost your personal power? What would you do or pay, to have your Power back. Are you ready and willing to give up your ‘stuff’? Take back what is rightfully yours. Whose life is it anyway? You know, you never really lost your Power; it is always within you.

People ask me if I still coach clients, the answer is Yes. Even though I am concentrating on my book(s), I will always make time to assist clients to get where really they want to be.

I can be contacted via my Coaching or Publishing social media platforms below.

Saturday, 14 June 2014

Does the Subconscious Mind Have A Sense Of Humour

I had another dream; I dreamt the Queen's guards
(and some on horseback) were keeping watch
outside my home.
A few of years ago, I was going on holiday for a week. At the time, there were a lot of burglaries going on in the area and I was concerned for my home. Feeling uneasy about leaving my home unattended, I sat quietly and asked my subconscious mind; if my apartment would be safe while I was away?

Soon enough, I dreamt that the fire brigade was keeping watch outside my home. In my dream, I looked out of my window, and there they were; fire engines everywhere. But that dream was not enough, I was still not convinced.

A couple of days later, I asked the question again; will my home be safe while I am away?

Again, I had another dream. I dreamt that the Queen’s guards (and some guards on horseback) were keeping watch outside my home. In my dream, I looked out of my window and there they were.

Yet still, I was not content. I was as concerned as ever. A third time I asked my subconscious mind; will my home be safe while I am away on holiday? Sure enough, in a night or two I had a dream.

I dreamt that the Thunderbird Four submarine had landed in our back garden. Out came about six or more S.A.S soldiers, all dressed in black. How did I know that they were S.A.S; well, because they had S.A.S printed on their backs. They came into my apartment carrying guns, looking in all the rooms. I just stood there and watched them and I burst out laughing. I laughed so much that I actually woke up from the dream still laughing.

I knew then, without a shadow of a doubt that my home would be safe. I laughed even more to know that my subconscious mind does indeed have a sense of humour.

Needless to say I had my holiday; worry free and my home remained safe.

Thank God for our subconscious mind, even if we haven’t yet learnt to listen when it communicates with us.

D. A. Martin
Bestseller Author of Broken Oath

Saturday, 31 May 2014

Being Happy

I’ve noticed that most people walk around with a serious look and miserable expression on their faces. So when I meet the odd person who seems to be always happy, I find them very fascinating. And I feel compelled to ask them the question. “Why are you always happy? What’s your secret?”

The responses are nearly always the same. Maybe there are one or two here for you to choose from to get you started on being happy.

How to be Happy:-
  •  Be resilient, even if you are hurting for one reason or another, absorb yourself in work.
  •  Keep busy.
  •  Always make the best you can.
  •  Don’t let circumstances get the better of you, adopt an attitude of self-preservation.
  •  Adopt an attitude of RESILIENCE (bring it on!!) and RESOURCEFULNESS.
  •  Find something you love doing and enjoy what you do.
  •  Give yourself CHOICES regardless.
  •  Achieve more by being NICE to people.
  •  Attitude in life – make the most of it. Life is too short.
  •  Be driven.
  •  Be independent.
  •  Love your job.
  •  Take control of YOUR life.
  • Exercise often – try Yoga.
Decide today to adopt an attitude of happiness.

You never know how your life will then turn out or what you will suddenly attract.

Imagine all the opportunities that will start coming your way.

Best Regards
D. A. Martin
Bestseller Author of Broken Oath

Tuesday, 27 May 2014

There's No Such Thing As Coincidences

Broken Oath Book Discussion and Review: Prologue – Coincidences Coming Together 
(Part 5)

     “The Lady of Time stayed on the Earth’s plane for many years and embraced her new life. She put her purpose and duty behind her. She felt secure in the knowledge that their paths would never cross again. But Time goes on relentlessly and regardless. Doors open and close; situations and circumstances come and go until eventually one door aligns with another and suddenly an opportunity arises to create a condition that allows unfinished and forgotten business to come back into play yet again.”

Hello Readers

There is a hidden story in the last paragraph of the Prologue. From my life experience, I have observed that complacency is a dangerous thing and only the wise, knows how to use such conditions to their own advantage. The wise one knows it is not only one force that is at play in any given moment of time. There is always someone or something waiting for an opportunity to exert its intention and sooner or later, that which we dread or fear will come into being.

I have observed that whatever it is you have left undone or unfinished, it does not die or cease to exists anymore; it simply waits for a complimentary energy to adhere itself to. It is usually in the form of a window of opportunity that will bring it back into your world and into play. Sometimes it’s a pleasant occurrence and sometime it is that situation you thought you would never have to see or live through again.

Time is power over everything and all that IS. It chooses when, and then the moment comes; to which you have no control or say in the matter, except how you deal the situation.

The Lady of Time felt secure that she had left her past behind her because periods passed without incident. It appeared as though the Lord Supreme was doomed to live a life of servitude to a new master or in his case, a new mistress. And the mistress; the unforeseen third party, is an energy that has been watching and waiting throughout time for the right force and window of opportunity to bring herself into his world but with a twist, the Lord Supreme is now in her world. 

All these happenings are not mere coincidence; rather they are coincidences coming together for a bigger purpose brought on by a building up the energies of more than one unfinished business and the wisdom of a female who took the opportunity to exert her intention. And as she will find out to her displeasure, hers is not the only force at play. It is the nature of everyone to think that we are the only one that matter; the only one with a desire, never suspecting that there is always another energy waiting for that chance exert itself.

Complacency is a habit and it is contagious. Beware your karma, no matter what role you play in an existence, it will seek you out, eventually.

The last page of the prologue is spellbinding. The reader in now compelled to read on to the next chapter to find out the master plan.

Stay tuned, for in the next review, we will be examining Chapter One – An Old Wooden Box.

If you are feeling left out of the discussion, get busy and read the book.

Best Regards
D. A. Martin
Bestseller Author of Broken Oath

You can order your copy NOW on:

Thursday, 8 May 2014

An Old Soul Who Is Always There - Broken Oath; Prologue Book Review and Discussion (Part 4)

I remember as a child and even as a young person, I would see certain people or characters (as I would now call them) who always seemed to be in my life, but never taking part in it. They appeared to be old looking and when I became a mature adult, they seem to be the same old people; never interacting with me or taking part in my life but they were in it.

I used to imagine (and maybe I still do) that they were some sort of special beings, like angels or guardians, or maybe ‘watchers.’ I used to think they were just there to record happenings of every event in our lives.

I see these strange characters now and then. And to this day, they appear to look exactly the same.
Sometimes I would think that no one can see them but me. Do you see characters like these in your lives?

When I created the personality of the Physician I had one of these odd characters in mind; an old man who remains old and ageless. Someone who always appear to be there.

The Physician is a very special person who does get to interact fully with the characters in the book. He is a watcher, a guardian, a magician, an alchemist and much more.

At first he quietly administers care to The Lady of stature, then, suddenly he has a voice and becomes a champion who rescues her from distress with his bag of magical potions and creates a ‘mystical place’ out of nowhere behind secret enclosed panels.

In his role as Physician to the Lord Supreme he plays the ‘watcher.’ He is in the life of his Lord but not part of it. All this time he has been patiently observing and waiting for the right moment to intervene.

As he takes The Lady through into the Chamber of Time, he knew it was the master plan all along. He did not choose her by chance. Nor was he accidently in the same realm where she was imprisoned. He was there, watching and waiting for the right moment to influence her into making the decision to become The Lady of Time.

That is the role of the Physician; to always be present, observe and to intervene only with a purpose in mind. But beware when you accept his assistance, for there can be no going back.

That being so, maybe it is best to not to pay too much attention to these timeless characters who are always there, for if they notice you or you see them, the union may not be to your liking.

Reading through the book, you will discover there is more to the Physician than meets the eye. He is a character who becomes known by other names; an old soul who is always there.

If you have your own opinion on the character of the Physician, feel free to add to the discussion or send me an email.

Bestseller Author of Broken Oath

If you are feeling left out on the discussion, get busy and read the book.
You can order your copy NOW on: