Tuesday 5 August 2014

Have you ever met anyone you know, whom you have never met before?


“The Lady of Time struggled with her emotions. She knew the Queen observed everything but she could not bring herself to state what was true; she was paying the consequences of her own actions. This man whom she had escaped and had vanquished from her life forever, by chance had stepped back into her realm. He looked her straight in the eye, they connected and there was nothing she could do about it. As she struggled to answer the Queen, her mind chattered and inwardly she rebuked herself. She fought off the offending voices and made justification to herself; ‘I just want to live my life, to be free. How could this have happened? How could it happen? How could he have come back? I thought I was safe forever!’ The Lady of Time looked at Eteph El. It was time to come clean.

“Yes, I looked in his eyes. I looked into his eyes, we connected and I knew who he was.”

A similar scenario happened to me once, many years ago, I thought it meant that this was the chance for myself and my lost love to reconnect. It took a while for me to realise that this was not the case. The truth is we were both at different stages of our personal and spiritual development; although we were both the same age, with only six months difference, I was much more advance than him. This meant that our values and beliefs were not congruent with each other. Plus the fact that I had reoccurring dreams whereby I left him with the children we had together. I had these dreams until the day I had the strength to end our partnership.

It was interesting because while I was having these dreams, I also heard the voices of my unborn children crying out to come into this world. I prayed often and told these voices that this was not to be. They would not be conceived; my relationship with this man was unsteady and I did not want to cause them emotional anguish.

Once I let this man go, balance returned back into my life and the crying voices ceased. I look back and pondered; maybe I was just meant to acknowledge that we were here in this moment but on our own personal journey (in this lifetime.) And indeed, we were on completely different paths of development. It is not everyone that understands this. Sometimes are relationships are hard work or strained because we do not see the bigger picture. We do not acknowledge our intuitions when it is trying to tell us something through dreams or other warnings.

The Lady of Time already knew she would not engage with the Lord of Karma, but his force to complete his unfinished business was so strong that he could not see the bigger picture; that he and his lost love were on different paths and with very different roles to play. That being so, it caused higher powers to help him (or make him) understand that there would be no reconnection with his Lady in their present lifetime.

The stage was set not so much for the Lady of Time, but the anguish soul of Karob; Lord of Karma.

Life is about learning, growth and understanding and sometimes the Universe has to conspire what may seem to be against us, to give us a helping hand.

I hope you enjoy the brief review of this chapter. Please feel free to send me any more insights you discovered whilst reading my book. And keep a watchful eye for my next book review.

Best Regards

D. A. Martin
Bestseller Author of Broken Oath








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