Monday, 30 November 2015

Failing Eyesight Is Not What It Seems

Power Of The Subconscious Mind

Some time ago, I began having problems with my vision, even when watching the television my eyes were a bit blurry. At the time, I did not need glasses but I felt my eyes were lacking in something; a nutrient. 

I meditated on the matter and asked my subconscious mind to let me know what vitamin and/or mineral my body needed. I can’t recall how much time had elapsed but one morning just before I woke, I had a dream in which I saw the letters of the nutrient I was lacking.   Maybe I was not paying enough attention because by the time I woke fully, I only could only remember the end of the word “.….tein.” I said “That’s it. It’s Protein.”

The days that followed, I looked up all information on proteins and amino acids and which food would help my eyes. I could not find any connection between protein/amino acids and eyes. And at that time, I did not know of any other vitamin or mineral that ended in “…tein.” I searched and researched. I was determined to find this vitamin or mineral.

Then, one day I was wondering around my local drugstore and there right in front of me were bottles of multivitamins tablets with a label in large print; ‘an extra added ingredient …’Lutein.’ I couldn’t believe my eyes. I read the content “..Lutein, to help improve eyesight.” 

I thanked my subconscious mind and bought a bottle.  Within days, my vision improved.

I had never heard of this 'Lutein' before so I looked it up. I read that Lutein is made naturally in the woman’s reproductive organs. And drastic reduction in body fat affects the surrounding fatty tissues  of the ovaries causing its inability to produce Lutein. 

I was even more amazed to know that my reproductive organs were connected to my eyes. Isn’t nature wonderful. She’s so creative, she thinks of everything. It just so happened that at that time, I had started a ‘gluten free’ diet and I did indeed loose a drastic amount of body fat.  I admire and respect my subconscious mind, it knows the answer to everything.

I further read that there are fruits that contain this Lutein and so can help the eye function better; Bilbery, blueberry and blackberry and other berries. So, I began my campaign to restore the Lutein (and body fat) in my body; I ate the fruits and drank the juices. 

Never underestimate the power of the subconscious mind.

Best Regards
D. A. Martin
Writer and Bestseller Author of Broken Oath
Awarded An Honorary Mention 

Thursday, 12 November 2015

Gaining Access To The Gateway Of Your Desires

Broken Oath Book Review                                                       

Chapter Six - Guardians of Order
and Time

When I first published my book, I was often asked whether there is any part of me in the book. Well yes, and I love adding bits of wisdom too. 

For me, that's what make my book unique, every chapter can be taken and made into a discussion about any part of life. 

Take for instance two characters in chapter six; Melet – the Doorkeeper and Telem – the keeper of Time. Their role is to grant or deny access to any soul who has a desire; they ascertain the true aspiration of the seeker and whether it benefits the whole rather than the one. Each of the Keeper is a doormaster and entry into their realm is only agreed upon once conditions are met. But what are the conditions?

We all assume that if we ask for anything; and it is usually by throwing our desires up in a prayer, it will be answered. Of course it will be…. as soon as conditions are met?

Let me give you my experience.  Some time ago, I prayed and prayed and asked God to give me understanding and compassion. In my mind, I thought I would be transformed into an exceptional human being, able to see and understand the mind of even the darkest soul. Instead, what did I get – for a ten year period I endured the neighbours from hell who made my life just that. As soon as I prayed for their removal from my life or justice for my emotional and psychological damage/pain, the toxic situation came at me with a vengeance. It took a long while for me to realise that I got what I asked for. How could I become and/or receive understand and compassion unless I went through this torment. This was the condition that I did not anticipate. I am very careful about what I pray or ask for now!

Likewise in Broken Oath, the Lord of Karma - Karob, assumes that if he gets past both Doorkeepers his desire to return to Earth (to pursue his lost love) will be met and problem solved but even he did not foresee that all was not as it seems. As I stated above, our thinking and that of the Universe are two different things.

Karob gets his wish to return to Earth, albeit to pursue Melee, but the conditions for him are not what he expected; if he delays his return to the fifth dimension he will become obsolete. b) If he chooses to stay on Earth he will lose his powers and become whatever is dominant in his nature - whether it be another form or a creature. 

And as Melet the Doorkeeper tried to warn Karob; all is not as it seems for there is a third condition which is not revealed to the Karmic Lord until it is too late; c) the energy of the retrograde period on Earth means he will have less time than was originally allocated to him; time was revolving at an alarming speed.  For him every step he took towards his desire, there was an obstacle; just when he thought he was there, the plan or the theme changed. How frustrating it must been for him.

He was unable to comprehend the bigger picture; that he was not granted access for his own personal gain but so that his undertaking would benefit himself and the whole.  And that he would come to an understanding in keeping to his oath as the Karmic Lord.

But just as I had a lesson to learn; so did Karob, so do we all. We aspire, we pray, we put an energy out there, but we cannot fool the doorkeepers that hold the keys to granting our desire.

I have encountered many people who claim to pray for wealth so that they can help others. Unfortunately the wealth never comes to them in the way they anticipated.  
Do you know why? Because they cannot deceive the doorkeepers who knows best.  

Instead, they are given a job that helps the needy and/or vulnerable. Yes, they accumulate a wealth of knowledge and compassion, but their bank balance stays the same.

We may enter the gateway to our desires but we will receive a manifestation to match our energy, whether it brings us pleasure or pain - nothing more, nothing less.

Beware the Doorkeeper and the Time keeper; what you ask for and what the Universe grants you are two very different things.

Best Regards
D. A. Martin
Writer and Bestseller Author of Broken Oath
Awarded An Honorary Mention
by the London Book Festival Award (2014)