Friday, 30 August 2013

Get Some NUTS

This last winter, a brave and bold squirrel kept coming up to the entrance of my apartment building at the same time each morning whilst I was on my way to work.  At first, I had no monkey nuts to offer him, and he would not go away but chattered to me for a considerable while as I tried to convince him I was empty handed.  Anyway, so as not to disappoint him next time; I bought a bag of nuts.  And the next day, there he was, bold as brass, looking through the bottom window on the door as though he was seriously looking for a long lost friend.  I came out of the building; the squirrel wasn’t even afraid as he came up, stretched out his arms and took the nut which I offered him.  This went on for a few days and then I never saw him again.  As the weeks went by, I still looked out for that courageous squirrel but he was nowhere to be seen.  Soon, another squirrel was in the vicinity.  I tried to encourage it to take my nut but even though I could clearly see he wanted to retrieve it, fear overtook him and he would run off.  I would see this squirrel near my apartment often and each time the situation was the same; I offered him a nut, but fear always overtook him grasping the opportunity of having a free and effortless snack.

Does this sound like you?  Do you let opportunity pass you by because of your fears?  What has it cost you?

Where are you in life now?  How long will you let that moment pass you by?  Take courage; GET SOME NUTS!!

A Short Trip To Newcastle

I went to Darlington on August Bank Holiday Monday this week to support my fellow Author with her bestseller campaign for newly released book THE ENCHANTED GRANDFATHER'S CLOCK.  Went I got to there, I could not get the carriage door open and the conduct on the train was not very helpful in explain to me how to open the door.   As a result, the train moved on and I ended in Newcastle.  A few years ago I would have panicked tremendously.  But I thought well,  I am still in the UK.  I had to get the conductor to write me a note stating that I missed my stop to get off and to allow me to get a train back to Darlington.  I just had to laugh at the situation because there was nothing else I could do.  It turns out you had to open the carriage window and open the door from the outside.  There was no sign indicating this.  Needless to say I shall be complaining the the train company.  (East Coast trains).  There carriage is not user friendly plus I could have been disable in some way.  I had no help to get off the train.  I did have support from some of the passengers.  Its nice to know that there are nice people in the world.

I get to Darlington eventually 2 1/2 hours later, and my friend did achieve bestseller status with her  book.   Well done Charlotte Jones.

Sunday, 25 August 2013

There's a reason for our given committment

Have you ever considered why we are given an Oath?  Sometimes it’s for our own protection and we find that when we take ourselves out from under that umbrella, bad things start happening to us.  According to Dr David R Hawkins, that’s what happened to Adam and Eve.

Friday, 23 August 2013

So, what's BROKEN OATH about

It's about 2 high status beings who, through circumstances took an Oath.  One made a promise and the other well, the commitment was forced upon him but that's too bad.  The Universe does not differentiate.  Anyway, an opportunity presented itself for both parties to deviate from their order to pursue personal indulgences.  Bad call.  A scenario now has to be put in place to bring them back on track.  They will have to decide, Oath or pleasure.  Hmm! Tough choice. Luckily no one will lose a finger.

Someone once said. "The Oath you took is the Oath you took and some Oaths cannot be broken."  No wonder our lives are in a mess.  We are all trying to get back on track (or get away from it.)  Time to reflect and meditate don't you think!

Thursday, 22 August 2013

How many times do we break an Oath

Hi there
How many times have you broken an Oath?  Most people would say they have never made one. The fact is, everyone has.  From the time you reincarnated into this lifetime, you took an Oath to accept 'life.'  To uphold the life God or nature gave you.  Not only that, there was something you said you would do.  Something you said you would learn.  Something you said you would deliver.  And what happen, you grew up and forgot all that you promised; You turned left when you should have gone right.  You moaned and complained about your life, your birthday, your job, the neighbours and anything else you can think of.  

Well my friend, your life sucks because its all down to that Oath you took from the very beginning.  The Oath you fail and are still failing to uphold.  You know what it is, or rather your subconscious mind does.  It's up to you to dig down inside your soul and find the answer.  

One day I was listening to an audio book by Dr David R Hawkins who is an internationally known spiritual teacher, author and speaker. Whilst listening to him speak to the audience, he stated that one of his finger was missing.  It just so happened that another gentleman in audience also has one of his finger missing.  Dr Hawkins claims that they had both broken an Oath, whether it be in this or another lifetime and this was the result.  A reminder to them of that broken Oath.  The finger will remain until they mend their committment.  The interesting thing is, they both have no idea what that Oath was.  I suppose that until they each make it their goal to find out, they will always have that missing finger in each and every lifetime.

I get that.  Everything was off key in all areas of my life until I finally began to uphold the Oath I made to the Universe.  Now everything is coming together.

If things are not right in your life, what is it that you are not doing or upholding?

And another thing, whilst it may be acceptable to go through life with one finger missing. In which case you may assume that it is OK to break some Oaths, there are some promises that cannot be broken.  Once you make it, there is no getting away from it.  It cannot be nulled and void.  It IS and always shall be and if you break it, nature and/or circumstances will do all in its power to bring you back on track.

And if you are curious to know more about this subject, then you must read my new fantasy fiction novel; BROKEN OATH.  

I have just received my  'proof copy' of my book for final proofreading before launch.

Look out for BROKEN OATH by D. A. MARTIN it's COMING SOON!!!