Monday, 30 September 2013

Motivational Quote of the Day

"Leave your excuses behind, 
and you will begin to attract wealth."

—Joe Vitale: Speaker, author, co-star of The Secret

Wednesday, 25 September 2013

Up and Coming Event

"Do you want to improve your career or business? Would you like to have a clear vision and better understanding of your mindset? Take action and click the link below to book yourself on a life changing 2 day event. The Power to Succeed - Limited FREE spaces available."

Monday, 23 September 2013

I only quote from the best

"My biggest motivation? Just to keep challenging myself.
I see life almost like one long University education
that I never had - everyday I'm learning something new."

— Richard Branson: English business magnate and investor

Sunday, 22 September 2013

Take Action

If you don't like how things are, change it! You're not a tree."

— Jim Rohn: American entrepreneur, author and motivational speaker

Monday, 16 September 2013

Do You Have a Bestseller Inside You!

I am going to this event, come and join me.

It's an exciting opportunity to be trained for 3 days by some of the world’s bestselling authors and publishing experts.

The MILLIONAIRE BOOTCAMP FOR AUTHORS, is happening in London from 1st-3rd November.

The speakers will show you how to:

* Make £1 million+ sales from your book or e-books.
* Earn $20,000 per month with Kindle books.
* Quickly and easily achieve international bestseller status.
* Get your book into high street stores like WH Smith.
* And much more...

Book your earlybird ticket for just £37 here:

You’ll also be able to rub shoulders with literary agents and publishers on the look out for new talent.

I really recommend that you make space in your diary to attend.

Maybe I'll see you there!

"Get Even"

"The best revenge is massive success."

—Frank Sinatra: American singer and film actor

Saturday, 14 September 2013

What Else Inspires Me To Write

(Sorry folks, due to editorial/IT problems, had to recall and rewrite this blog)

Nature; I might see something that excites my spirit and I am compelled to write:-
I was walking through my local park one day and I noticed that throughout the gardens, there were patches where wild plants had grown.  If fact, they had sprouted so ferociously, that they towered above the flowers and shrubs already bedded there.   I had to stop and admire their boldness, their determination, their tenacity and perseverance in finding a patch of soil in which to grow.   They dared to flourish tall amongst the hierarchy of refined flowers and plants.  I admired how they confidently displayed their beauty.  And indeed, they flowed and danced so gracefully with the wind, you could not tell weeds from potted foliage.  They were all equally beautiful.  I admired how they took any opportunity to be seen and be noticed.  Well, it worked; I was compelled to get out my mobile phone and take some pictures.  And the more I took pictures, the more of these wild flowers I saw.  I just carried on clicking.  I saw beauty everywhere. 

These wild plants had achieved their objectives.  They seized the opportunity; they grew confidently tall and were noticed.  They made it into my article and many people will be reading this story.

I aspire to take a lesson from them.  We should all aspire to seize any opportunity to grow, to Be, to make a difference, and to achieve all our goals.   Because there is always a space out there for each and every one of us to make it happen.

And you know what, I bet if every time you wrote something down that moved you, by the end of the year, you would have written a beautiful book.

Did anything move you today?  Don't be shy, why not make a comment on my blog.  Happy writing!

Monday, 9 September 2013

A Random Act of Kindness

Sometimes I wonder about humanity.  People these days seem so selfish, so absorbed with themselves.  They have a 'It's nothing to do with me' attitude.  As for me, I try to make a difference:-

A couple of days ago I was walking behind a woman, she was carrying more bags of shopping than she could manage.  She crossed over to the other side of the road and I watched as she huffed and puffed, in her perseverance to get to her destination before her arms gave out.  I could quite easily have ignored her but I could see her need for assistance was great. And I thought, OK, so I have to go out of my way if I helped her, big deal.  At least I will receive a blessing.

I walked across the road and said to her. "Your shopping looks heavy, would you like some help?"  She was  so glad , she didn't even say 'No, it's alright I can manage.'  She happily let me take some of her bags.  We walked and talked and she did say she hoped I didn't have to deviate from my journey.  I said it was alright, I didn't live far, just a short trip back.  We walked for about 15 minutes; I accompanied her right to her doorstep.  She was so pleased, that along with a 'thank you very much' she gave me a hug and a beautiful smile.  I said she was very welcome and went on my way.

Sometimes, if you want humanity to change, you have to make that change with a Random Act of Kindness.

Don't you agree?

Wednesday, 4 September 2013

When you will not learn, the Universe makes your life a story so you get the lesson

And that's exactly how it is in my coming book BROKEN OATH.  Have you had the feeling that your life is staged? Something is not right?  Have you ever had the feeling that something is just too convenient?  Do you find there are some people you just can't get rid of from your life?  I have experienced all these things and more.  I have heard it said "Life if not a dress rehearsal, this is it.  Get it right."  Well, it’s true.  You’re on stage, and the outcome depends on how you play it out.

When you get it get right, when you have learnt the lesson or even part of the lesson, circumstances change.  A lot of things change. 

When you read the book, you will be so drawn in, you will begin to wonder, are you reading a book, or are you reading about yourself.  Maybe you will say to yourself, ‘Ah, that’s what it was all about.’  Or, maybe a part of you will go into denial.  And then, there’s another part of you that will say ‘the reader knows something.’

And then, here’s the freaky part, at least one of you will think. “Oh my God, I know this story, I have never read this book before but I know.  I’ve programmed myself to read this book in the future to jog my memory and get me back on track.”  And you’ll be looking on the cover to check whether it is a fiction novel. 

Well, the characters in my book need their memories jogged.  They’ve have been down this road before, they just have to remember when, how and why.  

BROKEN OATH is coming soon.

PS: And for the sane readers, you'll simply enjoy the story with its twists and turns.

Monday, 2 September 2013

What inspires me to write

Well, I have seen a lot in my lifetime.  Many things I cannot explain. Stuff that happened whereby I was powerless to anything about it.  No one to talk to who would listen.  Writing for me is a 'release.'  A way of explaining all that happened, all the what ifs, all the suppose this or suppose that.  A way of bringing all this and more to life.  Giving 'stuff' a place, a name, a personality, a way to express itself.  Going deep into ones subconscious mind; letting all the colours, sounds, visions and imaginings come to life until  I am compelled to write, compelled to write an article or a for my Coaching Newsletter or write a book.  I get a feeling of AAhh!! Everytime I complete that which I am inspired to write.

Some things I can't control but I a write a 'what if'.  No one wants to listen, Ok, fine. I won't speak, I'll write. I can't explain what happened, well, I'll just write something magical and unimaginable instead.  And BROKEN OATH my first book is coming soon.