And that's exactly how it is in my coming book BROKEN OATH.
Have you had the feeling that your life is staged? Something is not
right? Have you ever had the feeling that something is just too convenient?
Do you find there are some people you just can't get rid of from your
life? I have experienced all these things and more. I have heard it
said "Life if not a dress rehearsal, this is it. Get it right."
Well, it’s true. You’re on stage, and the outcome depends on how
you play it out.
When you get it get right, when you have learnt the lesson or even
part of the lesson, circumstances change.
A lot of things change.
When you read the book, you will be so drawn in, you will begin to
wonder, are you reading a book, or are you reading about yourself. Maybe you will say to yourself, ‘Ah, that’s
what it was all about.’ Or, maybe a part
of you will go into denial. And then,
there’s another part of you that will say ‘the reader knows something.’
And then, here’s the freaky part, at least one of you will think. “Oh
my God, I know this story, I have never read this book before but I know. I’ve programmed myself to read this book in
the future to jog my memory and get me back on track.” And you’ll be looking on the cover to check whether
it is a fiction novel.
Well, the characters in my book need their memories jogged. They’ve have been down this road before, they
just have to remember when, how and why.
BROKEN OATH is coming soon.
PS: And for the sane readers, you'll simply enjoy the story with its twists and turns.