Wednesday, 15 January 2014

Breaking News - realtime stories - Riding On The Back Of An Aggressor

Hello Readers

A few days ago I was at my local building society. It was closing time (12 noon) so the staff locked the bank; only letting the customers out. However, some people came to the door (as people normally do even though they know it is closing time) and wanted to be let in. A member of staff told them that the building society was now closed. They went away all except a tall man (6ft plus) and a mature gentleman with a walking stick.

The tall man began banging at the door, insisting to be let in; he needed to get his new card as he had no money. The member of staff reminded him that the establishment was now closed. As staff tried to let the customers out, the man tried to force his way in, so the door had to be locked again. Customers were told to be patient and wait. When a second attempt was made to let them out; the man tried to force his way in once more. (He almost succeeded but the female member of staff was strong). In the end, she told customers to take a seat and wait. During this time the tall man was cursing, swearing the most vulgar profanities, punching and kicking the door fiercely. And we all watched this fearsome aggressor on the other side of the glass door.

It was interesting to watch the man’s behaviour. As he was cursing, he tried to mitigate his actions by saying that the mature man needed to get inside to draw some money. He also insisted that they had arrived at the building society 2 minutes before the actual closing time; Therefore they should be let in. I mused as he masked his conduct as someone caring for the elderly. The mature man in turn, rode on the energy of the aggressor. During the man’s violent outburst, he said “….if I can't come in, then no one is coming out..”

I further thought; if he had managed to force his way in, what did he suppose was going to happen next. (The building society was closed. Customers were waiting to go about their business.) Did he intend to hold the bank to ransom by physically man-handling a member of staff or public until he was served? And as for the mature gentleman (who should know better), did he really believe that this bully would gain entry and terrorise people on his behalf? Did he really believe that he could hitch a ride off this assailant and expect to be served?

The manager told the tall man that another building society just a mile or 2 away was open until 3 pm. But he did not want to listen. Did he feel he had to continue his stance to save face? (The old man was depending on him).

I said to myself, this is his local area, his local building society; he should know what time it closes. What was he doing all morning? As the man continued his terroristic behaviour, (The mature man remained; hoping his champion would come through for him.) As the minutes went by, the police was called.

And guess what happened next…… As a police car with sirens blaring pulled up outside the building; the old man quickly came to his senses and fled the scene. The tall man had a complete transformation and suddenly became meek and compliant; you’d think butter wouldn’t melt in his mouth. Within a minute or two there were now 3 police cars and one van. If I had happened to be walking by at that moment, I would have thought the police was harassing an innocent, humble bystander. The aggressor’s demeanour was so reticent it was unbelievable. During this ‘quiet’ moment, the staff let myself and the other captures out from our confinement.

After a conversation with the man, the police let him go. I stood nearby as I wanted to see what would happen next and would you believe it. The aggressor got into his car which was parked next to the police cars a metre or so from the traffic lights on a double yellow line. He should think himself lucky he did not a caution or ticket for road traffic violation.

I wonder what he would say to his partner and children about his behaviour when he got home. And as for the old man; will he be telling anyone about his behaviour that morning. Does he still think himself a suitable candidate to dictate in any conversation to anyone, especially young adults about conduct when he himself rode of the energy of an aggressor to achieve his own agenda?

D. A. Martin
Bestseller Author of Broken Oath

Sunday, 12 January 2014

Broken Oath

Hello Readers
Thanks to all you who have read and are still reading my book. I am grateful for your reviews, emails and comments.  My book is only as good as your feedback.   I spoke to a reader today who had her copy of the book with her.  "I can't book the book down" she says.  She's even going to read the book again in case she missed anything.  Well, remember what I said in my blog on 22nd October 2013, you may well be compelled to read it again (and again), depending on the level of your thought.  Is that spooky or what?

I've made a Author Profile video on my website (, check it out. Although I think it does feature better on the smartphone (small screen) rather than PC.

I still show the book launch video to people and they all think it great.  I know the campaign date is gone but the trailer is still awesome; I'm going to share it again.

Best regards

Bestseller Author of Broken Oath

Monday, 6 January 2014

Motivational Quote

"If you can dream it, you can do it."

— Walt Disney: American business magnate, animator, cartoonist, producer, director, screenwriter, entrepreneur, and voice actor

Thursday, 2 January 2014

Make 2014 Your Year

I hope last year was a good year for you all.  It certainly was for me; I got my book Broken Oath published after 4 years of writing and re editing and I achieved bestseller author status on   I intend to repeat the same this year with my second book, so stay tuned. 

I remember many years ago, as a very young woman, I always wondered why every mature person I met was old, miserable and if not bitter. And those that actually spoke to me were filled with regret; wishing they could have their time back to do the things they had wanted to do.   I guess that’s part of the reason why I became a Life Coach.  I did not want to be like them.  I wanted to fulfil all my aspirations and indeed encourage people to do the same.  I always say to everyone I meet, ‘whatever you want to do in life, DO IT.’

I don’t know about you but at the end days when I meet my Maker, I want to be able to read off to Him the multitude of things I have done and achieved in my life time and hope that he will be proud of me; because he sent me down to Earth and I reported back to him just what a human being can achieve, no matter what walk of life they come from.

Of course, in my book, most things are not accomplished without the help of a good Coach or Mentor.  To go it alone takes forever, I know, look how long my book had taken, until I embarked on a journey with my Coach and Mentor bestseller Author Stephanie Hale, who enabled me to become a published (bestseller) Author in no time at all.

Some people complain about my Coaching prices, but I say, if you don’t invest in your aspirations, then why should the Universe invest in you.  “Tight gets what tight is; nothing and nowhere.”  I paid out and it paid off.
If you want to get your goals off the ground this year, don’t tell your friends; get a Coach or Mentor.  Invest in yourself; pay out to make your aspiration pay off.  Make this year, your year.
To your success.                                                                                                                                     

Dora Martin
Bestseller Author
Life Coach/NLP Master Practitioner