Hello avid readers
I know it has been a while since the last book discussion; I did not want to interfere with Mother’s Day. Also I wanted to give as many readers as possible, time to digest the book review before moving on, plus before I could blink, Easter was on our doorstep.
Now that we have these events behind us, I hope you have enjoyed the last two evaluations of Broken Oath. Now, let’s continue the discussion:-
But, before I start, I’d like to point out the fact that, it was the Prologue we were discussing in the last two reviews and not chapter one; my apologies. We shall move on to the character of the Lord Supreme.
It is clear and obvious that he is indeed a handsome man who is proud, confident and even arrogant. I can imagine him just as he is portrayed in the beginning of the book and his stance as he admires his kingdom. He is a strong minded person, who demands not just obedience, but a complete submission of will from all his subjects.
As it is seen with his relationship with The Lady of stature; it is not enough for him to have her physically, he wants a ‘giving up’ of her higher-self, to him. Only then will he be satisfied. He appears all powerful, but when it comes to relationships, he lacks the natural flare on how to charm a lady. Yet, with his energy, he masks this flaw in his character as he gains more points in managing all in his kingdom.
He is a man who is used to getting his own way in every area of his life and has never come across any obstacle until his encounter with The Lady of stature. His force which enables him to conquer all human will, does not even waver with this Lady; and he soon becomes obsessed with her.
Her untamed energy attracted him. This is clear when he reflects on his observation of her in court; he could see clearly that no one or man had power over her. She was in total control. Did he see her as a challenge? It is said that we all crave that which we cannot have or that which is beyond our reach.
Or, maybe he felt she equalled or complimented his own energy and in his mind he fantasised that they would be happy together.
I have heard that story before on more than one occasion; listening to friends who are so infatuated with a person they believe something is going on or will happen. But it is just an illusion of the mind.
In the case of the Lord Supreme, his ego helps to dictate his decisions which compel him to make this one sided relationship work, one way or the other.
Despite his lack of dating skill, he does have other abilities to compensate. He is very intelligent, manipulative, and skilled in the art of dark magic and/or alchemy. He easily entered the domain where The Lady of stature resides, unnoticed and unchallenged by the guards he took her away without confrontation.
Yet with all his skills would he ever find a dark magic that would enable him to possess her soul?
His pride and arrogance would never let her go and he is a very determined man who was prepared to kill her rather than admit defeat. This is why the Physician intervened just in time to rescue The Lady from her fate.
This desperate need to possess the body, mind and soul of The Lady of stature would eventually burn into his own soul and cause him to act out the same no win scenario again in his next existence.
This is a karmic loop which happens to be best of us, and we are not aware of it. We will keep on making the same mistakes until we learn from them. Only then, can we move on to the next level of our lives, whether it be this or the next reincarnation of our soul.
The Lord Supreme activates his own karma; once he is transported to another dimension by the newly formed Lady of Time, as the Lord Supreme dominates, so he too is to be dominated…by a Woman.
His arrogance creates problems as it make him blind to what is really happening; when he is transported to another dimension, as he lay frozen, shivering on the ground; his body covered with ice; even though he no longer had the upper hand, still, he tries to exert his supreme authority. He became enraged when this unknown female did not yield to his force. He is aware that he is in a dilemma but he is determined not to give in; his ego would not let him.
His traits are not necessarily a bad thing as his new mistress is well aware. His ego gives him courage to keep going as oppose to giving up.
She knows his energy is very potent and can be of much use to her in more ways than one which is why it is no accident that she creates a new role for him, one that in fact fits his character, like a glove. He is chosen to commit to an oath that was always meant to be him.
The Universe does not act on impulse and it does not discriminate but ordains what is already going to be.
The character of the Lord Supreme certainly makes this book a compelling read.
If you have any comments to add to this review, please feel free to join in and add to the discussion.
Next discussion (in two weeks) we will review – the Physician.