Wednesday, 17 June 2015

On the Subject of Past Lives and Reincarnation

Hello Colleagues                                    

I have not followed up since attending the Brian Weiss event on 30th and 31st May 2015 on past lives and reincarnation. I had a great time and met some wonderful people.

This is a subject close to my heart as my novel Broken Oath amongst other things is all about this topic. I remember not too long ago, it was difficult to talk about this matter to my associates, as past lives was a taboo conversation, if not demonic. At one time, I was even concerned at upsetting people by publishing my book with entries on the matter.

Now, thanks to Dr Brian Weiss, I can talk about it openly. This topic resonates very well with my book. So far, all those who have read it have enjoyed being taken on the journey of time travel, reincarnation, past lives, broken oaths, karma, deja vu and conspiracies of the universe.

For those of you who have yet to discover Broken Oath; the novel is about a Lady of stature who is imprisoned by a Lord supreme. She escapes by accepting and oath to become the Lady of Time, wherein with her new powers, she banished her capture to another dimension. After 3,000 years have gone by, she is confident that she will never meet him again and breaks her oath to remain as a human on earth but how wrong she is; the Lord is now the Lord of Karma who goes by the name of Karob and whilst executing his duty, per chance catches sight of her again and the energy of their past lives together is reactivated and he breaks his oath to pursue her again.

But the Universe had other plans and reincarnates a part of their lives which is to be played out on Earth, for them to come to terms that their oaths cannot be broken. The Lady of Time is reincarnated as a simple village girl who has reoccuring past life dreams which she cannot explain.

Those of you who are captivated by the subject will approve of my book. As within the chapters, young Melee as she is now called, is prepared, through a dream, for the reincarnation of another soul who is to come into her life. That soul would be a warrior from another life time by the name of Malachi.

In his past lifetimes, Malachi had been a handsome and strong warrior, but on this occasion, he is born as a sickly, physically and assumed mentally challenged individual. I recall Brian Weiss mentioning something along the lines that sometimes, we reincarnate in these condition to experience receiving love. That is our karma. Likewise in Broken Oath, Malachi's karma is not to be handsome, brave and resourceful but to be helpless and to receive the love and care from Melee until the exact moment when he is meant to rescue her from her oppressor.

It is interesting to note that once we know and understand about life; past, present and future how everything seems to make sense, situations are no longer a mystery, not even the way we feel about ourselves.

In chapter nine of my book, Malachi observes himself in a mirror, he cannot come to terms with his ugly looks and gait. He tries to straighten himself as he feels he should be tall, strong and handsome, not the reverse. But alas, his twisted being would not succomb to a beautiful form. I put that in the book deliberately to show how sometimes, past life energies can be very strong; we can look in a mirror, see a face or a body and yet somehow, we don't know why but we are aware that we should be someone else.

In chapter fourteen, Karob comes face to face with Melee; he is so excited but despite her dreams, she has no idea who he is. And then there is the Healer, a character who has been in Melee's life throughout all her lifetimes. And so it is with us; some people will be with us, wherever our souls wonder, this is whether they are good or bad. Have you ever notice that some people are always in your life, you just can't get rid of them? Which brings me to the karmic loop; which is in reality what my book is about; a hidden story of three souls that are always inter-twined, no matter where they reincarnate.

If you enjoyed the May event, the talk and activities on reincarnation and past lives, then you will love Broken Oath.

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