Monday 24 February 2014


Hello Readers

Well done all my avid readers who have read my book.  As I stated in my blog on 22 October 2013 it is a book with layers and depending on how deep your thoughts go, very much depends on what you will get from the book.  So far, all those who have read it agree that it’s a great book, an intriguing and compelling read; a page turner.  And, as my blog in October suggests, the readers who came back to me with comments were all on different levels of thought. For me, it was absolutely fascinating to hear their comments which came from different attributes of their beings.

1)     The first level - The basic thinker.  They live in the material world and see just what is in front of them.  To them the book was all of the above from beginning to end.  A great read and they are looking forward to the next book.

2)    Going down another level – These thinkers have aspects of the above but who has experienced life and happenings, which one could not speak of to the average person.  They are glad that they are not the only person who has seen and experienced weird stuff in their life.  They can fully relate and identify with the characters and their emotions as they read the story.  Even the strange occurrences.  They too are looking forward to the next book.

3)    Going down to a further level: These thinkers have life experience and have open minds and are connecting with the subliminal messages, teachings and learnings that are calling out to their souls to the extent that they are compelled to read the book again.  They feel there is something in the story they have missed; maybe yet another level.  And like thinker 1 and 2 Broken Oath is a great read and they are looking forward to the next book.

4)    On an even deeper level – These thinkers have an understanding of the depth of consciousness.  They have already connected with the journey of their soul, the knowing that strong emotions can leave such an imprint that during reincarnation; the new being is doom to replicate the same behaviour over again maybe in each and every lifetime.  They already know their connection to all energies whether good or bad and that you can be pulled into their life cycle whether you will it or not.  These thinkers have already been “down there.”  And, they can go as deep as the author of the book; looking far beyond the 3 dimensional thinking of man. 

To these thinkers, this is a deep book, a great read and they are looking forward to the next book maybe even anticipating that it will take them further into the abyss beyond the realm of time and space. 

I know some of you have stated that you are still reading the book and/or are half way through.  I look forward to your comments with interest.  Thank you all for your feedback and keep them coming.

In my next blog, I shall be discussing the Prologue and answering any questions you may have.  Watch this space.

Kind Regards 

D. A. Martin
Bestseller Author of Broken Oath

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