Tuesday, 26 November 2013
What a ride!! What a ride!!
Hi everyone
Just a note to thank you all once again for the great team work in supporting me with my book launch campaign. I could not have done it without you all. It was a hell of a ride for me. I was up at 6 am on the 24th November and I did not go to bed until after 2 am. I am totally exhaused.
Still it's been amazing. I really enjoyed the buzz. And it's not over, there is still so much more to do.
I look forward to all your feedback on the book; so get reading and put those reviews on Amazon. I know you will all enjoy the book.
Speak soon.
Very kind regards
Dora Martin
Bestseller Author of Broken Oath
Sunday, 24 November 2013
Dear fellow supporters
Thank you so much, those of you who had integrity to support
me in my campaign for my paperback book Broken Oath. As of 12:06 am 25th November 2013 you
will see from the attached chart;
my ranking is 5,823 out of 6,000,000 books. I am at the top of the chart of book sales
marked #1 which means I am now a bestselling author. Thank you all so much for the team
effort. Those of you who have text or
emailed me to let me know you have ordered your copy, I will email you individual
later this evening. I would not have
achieved this without you.
Over the next week or so, I will look forward to your
reviews on Amazon.
I am so pleased and over the moon and am now ready for a
good night sleep.
Thank you all once again.
Love and warm regards
Dora Martin
Bestseller Author of Broken Oath
There's still time to order your copy of Broken Oath
Hi folks
Some of you have only just recently text or email me that you have ordered your book. Thanks for your support.
I know that more of you are still getting up and or just starting your day and/or finishing your stuff. Well as promised, I reminding you, that you still have time to order your paperback copy of Broken Oath and it ends at midnight tonight on Amazon.
Maybe you have ordered and you've not let me know. To get me off your case, just send one word saying 'Ordered' and I will know it is done.
Oh and not having an Amazon account is no excuse, you can even set one up on your iphone.
Let me tell you quick story:
Sometimes I meet people on the street and at events selling CDs of their music they have just produced. They were doing their own marketing and trying to make sales. I bought their CDs, purely because I love people who are trying to be self sufficient and entrepreneurial. I am inspired by people who try, people who get up and go, people who don't just sit there waiting for something to happen. I may not have listened to most of the CDs I bought, but I always knew someone who liked the sort of music these people were selling. So there was never a waste and someone always got to hear their music.
And there's more; there is always someone in your life who would appreicate the book Broken Oath. Christmas is coming and this book will be a great stocking filler. So, there you are. At least one good reason to order your copy now. But I do hope you will be intrigued enough to want to read the book first.
Thanks for your support. And I will let you all know tomorrow, my bestseller author status.
Kind regards
Dora Martin
(with your help, soon to be bestseller author)
Some of you have only just recently text or email me that you have ordered your book. Thanks for your support.
I know that more of you are still getting up and or just starting your day and/or finishing your stuff. Well as promised, I reminding you, that you still have time to order your paperback copy of Broken Oath and it ends at midnight tonight on Amazon.
Maybe you have ordered and you've not let me know. To get me off your case, just send one word saying 'Ordered' and I will know it is done.
Oh and not having an Amazon account is no excuse, you can even set one up on your iphone.
Let me tell you quick story:
Sometimes I meet people on the street and at events selling CDs of their music they have just produced. They were doing their own marketing and trying to make sales. I bought their CDs, purely because I love people who are trying to be self sufficient and entrepreneurial. I am inspired by people who try, people who get up and go, people who don't just sit there waiting for something to happen. I may not have listened to most of the CDs I bought, but I always knew someone who liked the sort of music these people were selling. So there was never a waste and someone always got to hear their music.
And there's more; there is always someone in your life who would appreicate the book Broken Oath. Christmas is coming and this book will be a great stocking filler. So, there you are. At least one good reason to order your copy now. But I do hope you will be intrigued enough to want to read the book first.
Thanks for your support. And I will let you all know tomorrow, my bestseller author status.
Kind regards
Dora Martin
(with your help, soon to be bestseller author)
Today is the day to order your copy of Broken Oath at the special launch price of 6.99 - today only
Hi folks
Many thanks to all you who have already ordered your copies of my paperback book Broken Oath. I have even bought a few copies myself. I'm too excited to eat. I am well over the half way mark. If you haven't done so already, get onto Amazon now and order your copy. It takes less than a minute and if you order more than one copy, it still takes less than a minute.
I have spoken to couple of you this morning and you have stuff going in and will order this evening. That's OK. I will be on your case then.
Remember it takes less than a minute to order your copy now.
Let me know when you have done so via f.book, text or email.
Happy ordering.
Warm Regards
Many thanks to all you who have already ordered your copies of my paperback book Broken Oath. I have even bought a few copies myself. I'm too excited to eat. I am well over the half way mark. If you haven't done so already, get onto Amazon now and order your copy. It takes less than a minute and if you order more than one copy, it still takes less than a minute.
I have spoken to couple of you this morning and you have stuff going in and will order this evening. That's OK. I will be on your case then.
Remember it takes less than a minute to order your copy now.
Let me know when you have done so via f.book, text or email.
Happy ordering.
Warm Regards
Thursday, 21 November 2013
Broken Oath: the video - check it out
Check it out - Broken Oath Video
https://www.dropbox.com/s/ mw76pkrjem2nd96/ Video%2020-11-2013%2020%2028%20 51.mov
Wednesday, 20 November 2013
Press Release!! Broken Oath Paperback Book Launch Date

Sunday 24th November 2013, the Launch date for my paperback book Broken Oath. Available on Amazon.co.uk
This is the day to buy my paperback book at the special price of £6.99. Pencil it in your diary folks, put a reminder on your smartphones, stick a post it note on your bedroom door and your front door so as soon as you get up that morning, you put on your computer and make the the first thing you do and before you leave your home.
And if you haven't done anything for charity this month, order more one book and give it to friends, family, associates, colleagues, and even your boss. It will also be a great Christmas gift, so you don't have to buy it for yourself.
One of my associates was fortunate to have read the 'proof copy' of my book. She said it was 'very inspirational' and 'a page turner.' Even more so as she is an avid crime thriller reader. This book is not even her genre. This is great feedback for me. Not only is she going to buy her own copy, she can't wait to see what happens in my next book.
Click on the link to buy my paperback book on the 24th November 2013 at the special campaign price of £6.99
Don't forget, the bestseller campaign is Sunday 24th November 2013, on this day only.
Monday, 11 November 2013
Broken Oath Campaign

I know many of you have said you will support me in my campaign to launch my book.
I am hoping to launch a high-profile campaign to turn my book Broken Oath into a bestseller. As I mentioned, to make this happen, I need to generate as many book sales as possible over a 24-hour period. However my plan will only work with the support of highly respected and trusted individuals like yourselves.
I hope you are all still up for it. Everyone who helps me with the campaign will get their services mentioned on my on all my social media sites.
I will get back to you closer to my launch date. And that date is now closer than you think. Many thanks for your help and support, without which my campaign would not be possible.
If I have missed off any of my friends and associates and you would like to come on board in helping with my campaign. Let me know. You can respond to this blog or any of my social media sites and email.
Many thanks and watch this space.
Dora A Martin
Soon to be Bestseller Author (with your help of course)
Wednesday, 6 November 2013
You never know what you're going to find in a bowl of soup
Well, I had a great time at the Millionaire Author Bootcamp event this weekend. I met some wonderful people and got some good contacts.
You know, the event wasn't just about getting ideas about writing your book if that was what you aspired to do, it's about being in a place with lots of people who have lots of resources, information, solutions and influences that can help you in whatever else it is you are endeavouring to do. Let me tell you a story:-
Those of you who have read my Newsletter over the years know that I was once promoting a fabulous health product called Juiceplus. It is a health drink which also comes in tablet form. It gives you greater health and vitality. I was consuming this product daily. Then, one day I ran out and I could no longer get hold of my agent. I did not want to deal with the company as I had an unsavoury experience with them. I wanted to deal with someone whereby I could purchase the product from them and pay cash. I was hoping to meet someone at an event; any event.
It just so happen that my friend was talking to another of her friends and I overheard their conversation. They were talking about Juiceplus. My heart leapt for joy. I interrupted their conversation.
"Did you just mention Juiceplus?" I said . "Yes." Came the reply. "I have a friend who's an Agent, she's not getting much sales...."
From there, I told her that I was looking for an Agent to do business with, without having to give my details to the company and things took off. She put me in contact with her friend and I can once again replenish my stock of this fantastic food supplement.
So you see, it's not just about writing a book. And you don't know what you may have missed by not coming to this event.
Next time you get an offer come along; Because you never know what you're going to find in a bowl of soup.
You know, the event wasn't just about getting ideas about writing your book if that was what you aspired to do, it's about being in a place with lots of people who have lots of resources, information, solutions and influences that can help you in whatever else it is you are endeavouring to do. Let me tell you a story:-
Those of you who have read my Newsletter over the years know that I was once promoting a fabulous health product called Juiceplus. It is a health drink which also comes in tablet form. It gives you greater health and vitality. I was consuming this product daily. Then, one day I ran out and I could no longer get hold of my agent. I did not want to deal with the company as I had an unsavoury experience with them. I wanted to deal with someone whereby I could purchase the product from them and pay cash. I was hoping to meet someone at an event; any event.
It just so happen that my friend was talking to another of her friends and I overheard their conversation. They were talking about Juiceplus. My heart leapt for joy. I interrupted their conversation.
"Did you just mention Juiceplus?" I said . "Yes." Came the reply. "I have a friend who's an Agent, she's not getting much sales...."
From there, I told her that I was looking for an Agent to do business with, without having to give my details to the company and things took off. She put me in contact with her friend and I can once again replenish my stock of this fantastic food supplement.
So you see, it's not just about writing a book. And you don't know what you may have missed by not coming to this event.
Next time you get an offer come along; Because you never know what you're going to find in a bowl of soup.
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