Wednesday 6 November 2013

You never know what you're going to find in a bowl of soup

Well, I had a great time at the Millionaire Author Bootcamp event this weekend.  I met some wonderful people and got some good contacts.

You know, the event wasn't just about getting ideas about writing your book if that was what you aspired to do, it's about being in a place with lots of people who have lots of resources, information, solutions and influences that can help you in whatever else it is you are endeavouring to do.  Let me tell you a story:-

Those of you who have read my Newsletter over the years know that I was once promoting a fabulous health product called Juiceplus.  It is a  health drink which also comes in tablet form.  It gives you greater health and vitality.  I was consuming this product daily.  Then, one day I ran out and I could no longer get hold of my agent.  I did not want to deal with the company as I had an unsavoury experience with them.  I wanted to deal with someone whereby I could purchase the product from them and pay cash.  I was hoping to meet someone at an event; any event.

It just so happen that my friend was talking to another of her friends and I overheard their conversation.  They were talking about Juiceplus.  My heart leapt for joy.  I interrupted their conversation.
"Did you just mention Juiceplus?"  I said .  "Yes."  Came the reply.  "I have a friend who's an Agent, she's not getting much sales...."

From there, I told her that I was looking for an Agent to do business with, without having to give my details to the company and things took off.  She put me in contact with her friend and I can once again replenish my stock of this fantastic food supplement.

So you see, it's not just about writing a book.  And you don't know what you may have missed by not coming to this event.

Next time you get an offer come along;  Because you never know what you're going to find in a bowl of soup.

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