Hi Folks
Had a fabulous birthday weekend. I spent Saturday in the pleasant company of my very good friend and bestseller Author; Charlotte Jones. She spoiled me to bits.
And on Sunday I hungout with my darling daughter Lisa. We spent the day at Westfield in Shepherd's Bush, London W12 and also went to the movies to watch The Hobbit; It was awesome. Well worth going to see.
Thank you all my friends and associates who sent me birthday greetings.
Love and best wishes
Monday, 23 December 2013
Monday, 9 December 2013
Quote of the Day
"The shift of fortune test the reliability of friends"
The Times and the Sunday Times
I say this applies to any success one makes in life; it test the integrity of friends.
Sunday, 1 December 2013
The perfect Christmas gift
Whatever inspires you this Christmas, make the novel Broken Oath your next Christmas stocking filler.
If you've already read the book, then you know what a great story it is.
Do something unexpected and give a friend or family member a copy. Share the magic of the book with them. Order that book now. Remember, it's available on Kindle and in paperback on Amazon.co.uk. Hurry, it's not that long until Christmas.
Just click on the link below.
Warm Regards
Dora Martin
Bestseller Author of Broken Oath
If you've already read the book, then you know what a great story it is.
Do something unexpected and give a friend or family member a copy. Share the magic of the book with them. Order that book now. Remember, it's available on Kindle and in paperback on Amazon.co.uk. Hurry, it's not that long until Christmas.
Just click on the link below.
Warm Regards
Dora Martin
Bestseller Author of Broken Oath
Tuesday, 26 November 2013
What a ride!! What a ride!!
Hi everyone
Just a note to thank you all once again for the great team work in supporting me with my book launch campaign. I could not have done it without you all. It was a hell of a ride for me. I was up at 6 am on the 24th November and I did not go to bed until after 2 am. I am totally exhaused.
Still it's been amazing. I really enjoyed the buzz. And it's not over, there is still so much more to do.
I look forward to all your feedback on the book; so get reading and put those reviews on Amazon. I know you will all enjoy the book.
Speak soon.
Very kind regards
Dora Martin
Bestseller Author of Broken Oath
Sunday, 24 November 2013
Dear fellow supporters
Thank you so much, those of you who had integrity to support
me in my campaign for my paperback book Broken Oath. As of 12:06 am 25th November 2013 you
will see from the attached chart;
my ranking is 5,823 out of 6,000,000 books. I am at the top of the chart of book sales
marked #1 which means I am now a bestselling author. Thank you all so much for the team
effort. Those of you who have text or
emailed me to let me know you have ordered your copy, I will email you individual
later this evening. I would not have
achieved this without you.
Over the next week or so, I will look forward to your
reviews on Amazon.
I am so pleased and over the moon and am now ready for a
good night sleep.
Thank you all once again.
Love and warm regards
Dora Martin
Bestseller Author of Broken Oath
There's still time to order your copy of Broken Oath
Hi folks
Some of you have only just recently text or email me that you have ordered your book. Thanks for your support.
I know that more of you are still getting up and or just starting your day and/or finishing your stuff. Well as promised, I reminding you, that you still have time to order your paperback copy of Broken Oath and it ends at midnight tonight on Amazon.
Maybe you have ordered and you've not let me know. To get me off your case, just send one word saying 'Ordered' and I will know it is done.
Oh and not having an Amazon account is no excuse, you can even set one up on your iphone.
Let me tell you quick story:
Sometimes I meet people on the street and at events selling CDs of their music they have just produced. They were doing their own marketing and trying to make sales. I bought their CDs, purely because I love people who are trying to be self sufficient and entrepreneurial. I am inspired by people who try, people who get up and go, people who don't just sit there waiting for something to happen. I may not have listened to most of the CDs I bought, but I always knew someone who liked the sort of music these people were selling. So there was never a waste and someone always got to hear their music.
And there's more; there is always someone in your life who would appreicate the book Broken Oath. Christmas is coming and this book will be a great stocking filler. So, there you are. At least one good reason to order your copy now. But I do hope you will be intrigued enough to want to read the book first.
Thanks for your support. And I will let you all know tomorrow, my bestseller author status.
Kind regards
Dora Martin
(with your help, soon to be bestseller author)
Some of you have only just recently text or email me that you have ordered your book. Thanks for your support.
I know that more of you are still getting up and or just starting your day and/or finishing your stuff. Well as promised, I reminding you, that you still have time to order your paperback copy of Broken Oath and it ends at midnight tonight on Amazon.
Maybe you have ordered and you've not let me know. To get me off your case, just send one word saying 'Ordered' and I will know it is done.
Oh and not having an Amazon account is no excuse, you can even set one up on your iphone.
Let me tell you quick story:
Sometimes I meet people on the street and at events selling CDs of their music they have just produced. They were doing their own marketing and trying to make sales. I bought their CDs, purely because I love people who are trying to be self sufficient and entrepreneurial. I am inspired by people who try, people who get up and go, people who don't just sit there waiting for something to happen. I may not have listened to most of the CDs I bought, but I always knew someone who liked the sort of music these people were selling. So there was never a waste and someone always got to hear their music.
And there's more; there is always someone in your life who would appreicate the book Broken Oath. Christmas is coming and this book will be a great stocking filler. So, there you are. At least one good reason to order your copy now. But I do hope you will be intrigued enough to want to read the book first.
Thanks for your support. And I will let you all know tomorrow, my bestseller author status.
Kind regards
Dora Martin
(with your help, soon to be bestseller author)
Today is the day to order your copy of Broken Oath at the special launch price of 6.99 - today only
Hi folks
Many thanks to all you who have already ordered your copies of my paperback book Broken Oath. I have even bought a few copies myself. I'm too excited to eat. I am well over the half way mark. If you haven't done so already, get onto Amazon now and order your copy. It takes less than a minute and if you order more than one copy, it still takes less than a minute.
I have spoken to couple of you this morning and you have stuff going in and will order this evening. That's OK. I will be on your case then.
Remember it takes less than a minute to order your copy now.
Let me know when you have done so via f.book, text or email.
Happy ordering.
Warm Regards
Many thanks to all you who have already ordered your copies of my paperback book Broken Oath. I have even bought a few copies myself. I'm too excited to eat. I am well over the half way mark. If you haven't done so already, get onto Amazon now and order your copy. It takes less than a minute and if you order more than one copy, it still takes less than a minute.
I have spoken to couple of you this morning and you have stuff going in and will order this evening. That's OK. I will be on your case then.
Remember it takes less than a minute to order your copy now.
Let me know when you have done so via f.book, text or email.
Happy ordering.
Warm Regards
Thursday, 21 November 2013
Broken Oath: the video - check it out
Check it out - Broken Oath Video
https://www.dropbox.com/s/ mw76pkrjem2nd96/ Video%2020-11-2013%2020%2028%20 51.mov
Wednesday, 20 November 2013
Press Release!! Broken Oath Paperback Book Launch Date

Sunday 24th November 2013, the Launch date for my paperback book Broken Oath. Available on Amazon.co.uk
This is the day to buy my paperback book at the special price of £6.99. Pencil it in your diary folks, put a reminder on your smartphones, stick a post it note on your bedroom door and your front door so as soon as you get up that morning, you put on your computer and make the the first thing you do and before you leave your home.
And if you haven't done anything for charity this month, order more one book and give it to friends, family, associates, colleagues, and even your boss. It will also be a great Christmas gift, so you don't have to buy it for yourself.
One of my associates was fortunate to have read the 'proof copy' of my book. She said it was 'very inspirational' and 'a page turner.' Even more so as she is an avid crime thriller reader. This book is not even her genre. This is great feedback for me. Not only is she going to buy her own copy, she can't wait to see what happens in my next book.
Click on the link to buy my paperback book on the 24th November 2013 at the special campaign price of £6.99
Don't forget, the bestseller campaign is Sunday 24th November 2013, on this day only.
Monday, 11 November 2013
Broken Oath Campaign

I know many of you have said you will support me in my campaign to launch my book.
I am hoping to launch a high-profile campaign to turn my book Broken Oath into a bestseller. As I mentioned, to make this happen, I need to generate as many book sales as possible over a 24-hour period. However my plan will only work with the support of highly respected and trusted individuals like yourselves.
I hope you are all still up for it. Everyone who helps me with the campaign will get their services mentioned on my on all my social media sites.
I will get back to you closer to my launch date. And that date is now closer than you think. Many thanks for your help and support, without which my campaign would not be possible.
If I have missed off any of my friends and associates and you would like to come on board in helping with my campaign. Let me know. You can respond to this blog or any of my social media sites and email.
Many thanks and watch this space.
Dora A Martin
Soon to be Bestseller Author (with your help of course)
Wednesday, 6 November 2013
You never know what you're going to find in a bowl of soup
Well, I had a great time at the Millionaire Author Bootcamp event this weekend. I met some wonderful people and got some good contacts.
You know, the event wasn't just about getting ideas about writing your book if that was what you aspired to do, it's about being in a place with lots of people who have lots of resources, information, solutions and influences that can help you in whatever else it is you are endeavouring to do. Let me tell you a story:-
Those of you who have read my Newsletter over the years know that I was once promoting a fabulous health product called Juiceplus. It is a health drink which also comes in tablet form. It gives you greater health and vitality. I was consuming this product daily. Then, one day I ran out and I could no longer get hold of my agent. I did not want to deal with the company as I had an unsavoury experience with them. I wanted to deal with someone whereby I could purchase the product from them and pay cash. I was hoping to meet someone at an event; any event.
It just so happen that my friend was talking to another of her friends and I overheard their conversation. They were talking about Juiceplus. My heart leapt for joy. I interrupted their conversation.
"Did you just mention Juiceplus?" I said . "Yes." Came the reply. "I have a friend who's an Agent, she's not getting much sales...."
From there, I told her that I was looking for an Agent to do business with, without having to give my details to the company and things took off. She put me in contact with her friend and I can once again replenish my stock of this fantastic food supplement.
So you see, it's not just about writing a book. And you don't know what you may have missed by not coming to this event.
Next time you get an offer come along; Because you never know what you're going to find in a bowl of soup.
You know, the event wasn't just about getting ideas about writing your book if that was what you aspired to do, it's about being in a place with lots of people who have lots of resources, information, solutions and influences that can help you in whatever else it is you are endeavouring to do. Let me tell you a story:-
Those of you who have read my Newsletter over the years know that I was once promoting a fabulous health product called Juiceplus. It is a health drink which also comes in tablet form. It gives you greater health and vitality. I was consuming this product daily. Then, one day I ran out and I could no longer get hold of my agent. I did not want to deal with the company as I had an unsavoury experience with them. I wanted to deal with someone whereby I could purchase the product from them and pay cash. I was hoping to meet someone at an event; any event.
It just so happen that my friend was talking to another of her friends and I overheard their conversation. They were talking about Juiceplus. My heart leapt for joy. I interrupted their conversation.
"Did you just mention Juiceplus?" I said . "Yes." Came the reply. "I have a friend who's an Agent, she's not getting much sales...."
From there, I told her that I was looking for an Agent to do business with, without having to give my details to the company and things took off. She put me in contact with her friend and I can once again replenish my stock of this fantastic food supplement.
So you see, it's not just about writing a book. And you don't know what you may have missed by not coming to this event.
Next time you get an offer come along; Because you never know what you're going to find in a bowl of soup.
Monday, 28 October 2013
Letting it go

My book Broken Oath is winging its way to Amazon. I will let you know the launch date soon enough. I hope you will all support me and purchase a copy of my book. When you open the pages, you will see that I have dedicated the book to my sister Anita. She died after a long illness at the age of 21 on 28th March 1980.
As you can imagine it hit me very hard. She was 11 months older than myself and we were like twin souls. When she died, half of me died with her. And my whole world fell apart. As the years went by, I did not heal. Maybe I did not want to heal. I continued to ask myself how and why and I looked for her in every female that looked familiar. I tried to befriend them but without success.
Years after my sister’s death, I had the same reoccurring dream. If I did not dream every day, it was every other day, or every week… regular as clockwork.
…I would dream I was in a hospital where my sister was taken. I would find myself in the back exit stairs of the hospital. I was only a small child in this dream. I would be climbing the stairs. The stairs seem to go on and on and up and up forever. After a while, I would come to a door, the door would always be hard to open. When I entered from behind the door, I came onto a ward. It was a huge ward and there were lots of corridors, rooms and beds with curtains drawn around them. I would be looking in each one trying to find my sister. When I thought I found her, without warning, I would find myself back in the exit stairs of the hospital; climbing up the stairs again, trying to get to my sister.
This reoccurring dream went on for many years; more years than I can recall. And still I would not heal from the loss of her in my life. I just could not, or would not move on.
The years went by and I grew older, life and opportunities passed me by until I became aware that the grass was growing tall, above and over me and I was becoming invisible, or obsolete. I was becoming a speck. I soon came into a realisation that the Universe, maybe even my sister was trying to telling me that she was in a safe place, and where she was, I could not follow. I had to live, I had to live my own life, I had to move on. It’s funny but I never understood this before.
I did not understand that for many years, my subconscious mind was trying desperately to help me to heal, the Universe was trying desperately to help me to heal, my Sister was trying desperately to help me to heal. And after that realisation, I did. She was gone and it was OK. It happened. I knew my Sister WAS in a safe place and that she was being looked after and being cared for.
And so, I began to live. I began to grow; taller than the grass that was once above me. Opportunities came to me, I met some wonderful people along the way. They helped me to grow, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually and ultimately inspired me to live my life to the full. Now, I live for my Sister but most importantly, I live for myself. I hope she’s proud of me and all my achievements over the years. And you know, it’s good to let go. It’s OK. I can now make my goals and make them REAL.
Maybe you are hanging onto something that has past. It’s time now, to let it go….let it go. Listen to your subconscious mind…..let it go…listen to the Universe….let it go.
And you know, once you let it go, it becomes easier to let other things go. And the pain becomes less, and all other pains lessen and life becomes easier, brighter, better.
And good things begin to happen.…Let it go….Now………I did.
I will also love you Anita, and I dedicate my book Broken Oath, to you. (This is the only picture I have of her).
Tuesday, 22 October 2013
Revealing More About Broken Oath

story of Broken Oath consists of layers and each takes you on a journey and/or
teaches you a lesson.
You will find
yourself on a voyage with the characters in the reincarnation of their
souls. You will discover how they reacts
to the laws of attraction and repulsion.
Why they make certain decisions and the drive that compels them to complete
their unfinished business in their next existence. You will discover how the evaluation they
make today affects them tomorrow and for all eternity.
layer of the story will reveal how the characters are connected by powerful
emotions; a curse, even a loathing that binds them together whether they are
aware of it or not. How this energy resurrects itself in each and
every lifetime.
yet, another echelon will bring to you a group of characters held together by
yet another strong emotion; their sense of loss and insecurity. With their underlying issues, they are easy
to manipulate.
you continue through the passages, you will come across a further tier, how one
character and their influences can put wrongs to right. Journey
further to read how one can be so strong, can see a lot and much to one’s aversion
be powerless to do anything about it.
away the story some more to expose another level and see characters who obtains
powers and make that energy work for them.
all the layers together to uncover a story of its own; it does not matter
whether an Oath is bestowed upon a soul, whether a vow is taken knowingly or
unwittingly, some Oaths are binding forever and cannot be broken or the bearer
will suffer the consequences.
you intrigued? Then this novel; Broken
Oath is a must read. With its twists and
turns; see how many layers you can uncover.
The deeper your thoughts, the more layers you will find. And if the numbers of layers are not enough,
you will be compelled to read this book again and again.
Watch this space for more news and views of this paperback novel and the launch date, which is coming soon.
Sunday, 13 October 2013
Moving beyond your boundaries
"There are no constraints on the human mind,
no walls around the human spirit, no barriers to our progress
except those we ourselves erect."
-Ronald Reagan: the 40th President of the United States
Thursday, 10 October 2013
You can do it!
Motivational Quote of the Day
"Nothing is impossible, the word itself says, "I'm possible!"
-Audrey Hepburn: British actress and humanitarian
Tuesday, 8 October 2013
There is no obstacle
Change the way you look at things
and the things you look at change."
— Wayne W. Dyer: American self-help author and motivational speaker
Monday, 7 October 2013
Life of an Author
Would you believe it, a few weeks ago I said to my publisher something along the lines of
'I have looked at the proof copy of my book and further amendments needs to be done, here's the list from the proofreader. Send me a invoice for the works.'
'Ok, it will cost X amount.'
Last week I emailed and said.
'So it's been a while, has the amendments been done? Is the book ready?'
'Amendments, what amendments?'
'You know, the amendments, I sent you an email and you gave me a price for the work to be done!
'Oh, I thought you were just making an enquiry!
'**!!&& der!!! Aargh!!**' I thought. Take a deep breath....breathe.
I had to send the email again. Work is taking place this week. Is this book really coming or what!
YES IT IS, you know why; because I have already taken monies upfront for the book and they know where I live.
Watch this space people! Broken Oath is coming soon!
'I have looked at the proof copy of my book and further amendments needs to be done, here's the list from the proofreader. Send me a invoice for the works.'
'Ok, it will cost X amount.'
Last week I emailed and said.
'So it's been a while, has the amendments been done? Is the book ready?'
'Amendments, what amendments?'
'You know, the amendments, I sent you an email and you gave me a price for the work to be done!
'Oh, I thought you were just making an enquiry!
'**!!&& der!!! Aargh!!**' I thought. Take a deep breath....breathe.
I had to send the email again. Work is taking place this week. Is this book really coming or what!
YES IT IS, you know why; because I have already taken monies upfront for the book and they know where I live.
Watch this space people! Broken Oath is coming soon!
Monday, 30 September 2013
Motivational Quote of the Day
"Leave your excuses behind,
and you will begin to attract wealth."
—Joe Vitale: Speaker, author, co-star of The Secret
Wednesday, 25 September 2013
Up and Coming Event
"Do you want to improve your career or business? Would you like to have a clear vision and better understanding of your mindset? Take action and click the link below to book yourself on a life changing 2 day event. The Power to Succeed - Limited FREE spaces available."
Monday, 23 September 2013
I only quote from the best
"My biggest motivation? Just to keep challenging myself.
I see life almost like one long University education
that I never had - everyday I'm learning something new."
— Richard Branson: English business magnate and investor
Sunday, 22 September 2013
Take Action
If you don't like how things are, change it! You're not a tree."
— Jim Rohn: American entrepreneur, author and motivational speaker
Monday, 16 September 2013
Do You Have a Bestseller Inside You!
I am going to this event, come and join me.
It's an exciting opportunity to be trained for 3 days by some of the world’s bestselling authors and publishing experts.
The MILLIONAIRE BOOTCAMP FOR AUTHORS, is happening in London from 1st-3rd November.
The speakers will show you how to:
* Make £1 million+ sales from your book or e-books.
* Earn $20,000 per month with Kindle books.
* Quickly and easily achieve international bestseller status.
* Get your book into high street stores like WH Smith.
* And much more...
Book your earlybird ticket for just £37 here: http://www.1shoppingcart.com/app/?af=1555417
You’ll also be able to rub shoulders with literary agents and publishers on the look out for new talent.
I really recommend that you make space in your diary to attend.
Maybe I'll see you there!
Saturday, 14 September 2013
What Else Inspires Me To Write
(Sorry folks, due to editorial/IT problems, had to recall and rewrite this blog)
Nature; I might see something that excites my spirit and I am compelled to write:-
Nature; I might see something that excites my spirit and I am compelled to write:-
I was walking through my local park one day and I noticed
that throughout the gardens, there were patches where wild plants had
grown. If fact, they had sprouted so
ferociously, that they towered above the flowers and shrubs already bedded
there. I had to stop and admire their
boldness, their determination, their tenacity and perseverance in finding a
patch of soil in which to grow. They
dared to flourish tall amongst the hierarchy of refined flowers and plants. I admired how they confidently displayed their
beauty. And indeed, they flowed and
danced so gracefully with the wind, you could not tell weeds from potted foliage. They were all equally beautiful. I admired how they took any opportunity to be
seen and be noticed. Well, it worked; I was
compelled to get out my mobile phone and take some pictures. And the more I took pictures, the more of
these wild flowers I saw. I just carried
on clicking. I saw beauty everywhere.
These wild plants had achieved their objectives. They seized the opportunity; they grew
confidently tall and were noticed. They
made it into my article and many people will be reading this story.
I aspire to take a lesson from them. We should all aspire to seize any opportunity
to grow, to Be, to make a difference, and to achieve all our goals. Because there is always a space out there
for each and every one of us to make it happen.
And you know what, I bet if every time you wrote something down that moved you, by the end of the year, you would have written a beautiful book.
Did anything move you today? Don't be shy, why not make a comment on my blog. Happy writing!
Monday, 9 September 2013
A Random Act of Kindness
Sometimes I wonder about humanity. People these days seem so selfish, so absorbed with themselves. They have a 'It's nothing to do with me' attitude. As for me, I try to make a difference:-
A couple of days ago I was walking behind a woman, she was carrying more bags of shopping than she could manage. She crossed over to the other side of the road and I watched as she huffed and puffed, in her perseverance to get to her destination before her arms gave out. I could quite easily have ignored her but I could see her need for assistance was great. And I thought, OK, so I have to go out of my way if I helped her, big deal. At least I will receive a blessing.
I walked across the road and said to her. "Your shopping looks heavy, would you like some help?" She was so glad , she didn't even say 'No, it's alright I can manage.' She happily let me take some of her bags. We walked and talked and she did say she hoped I didn't have to deviate from my journey. I said it was alright, I didn't live far, just a short trip back. We walked for about 15 minutes; I accompanied her right to her doorstep. She was so pleased, that along with a 'thank you very much' she gave me a hug and a beautiful smile. I said she was very welcome and went on my way.
Sometimes, if you want humanity to change, you have to make that change with a Random Act of Kindness.
Don't you agree?
A couple of days ago I was walking behind a woman, she was carrying more bags of shopping than she could manage. She crossed over to the other side of the road and I watched as she huffed and puffed, in her perseverance to get to her destination before her arms gave out. I could quite easily have ignored her but I could see her need for assistance was great. And I thought, OK, so I have to go out of my way if I helped her, big deal. At least I will receive a blessing.
I walked across the road and said to her. "Your shopping looks heavy, would you like some help?" She was so glad , she didn't even say 'No, it's alright I can manage.' She happily let me take some of her bags. We walked and talked and she did say she hoped I didn't have to deviate from my journey. I said it was alright, I didn't live far, just a short trip back. We walked for about 15 minutes; I accompanied her right to her doorstep. She was so pleased, that along with a 'thank you very much' she gave me a hug and a beautiful smile. I said she was very welcome and went on my way.
Sometimes, if you want humanity to change, you have to make that change with a Random Act of Kindness.
Don't you agree?
Wednesday, 4 September 2013
When you will not learn, the Universe makes your life a story so you get the lesson
And that's exactly how it is in my coming book BROKEN OATH.
Have you had the feeling that your life is staged? Something is not
right? Have you ever had the feeling that something is just too convenient?
Do you find there are some people you just can't get rid of from your
life? I have experienced all these things and more. I have heard it
said "Life if not a dress rehearsal, this is it. Get it right."
Well, it’s true. You’re on stage, and the outcome depends on how
you play it out.
When you get it get right, when you have learnt the lesson or even
part of the lesson, circumstances change.
A lot of things change.
When you read the book, you will be so drawn in, you will begin to
wonder, are you reading a book, or are you reading about yourself. Maybe you will say to yourself, ‘Ah, that’s
what it was all about.’ Or, maybe a part
of you will go into denial. And then,
there’s another part of you that will say ‘the reader knows something.’
And then, here’s the freaky part, at least one of you will think. “Oh
my God, I know this story, I have never read this book before but I know. I’ve programmed myself to read this book in
the future to jog my memory and get me back on track.” And you’ll be looking on the cover to check whether
it is a fiction novel.
Well, the characters in my book need their memories jogged. They’ve have been down this road before, they
just have to remember when, how and why.
BROKEN OATH is coming soon.
PS: And for the sane readers, you'll simply enjoy the story with its twists and turns.
Monday, 2 September 2013
What inspires me to write
Well, I have seen a lot in my lifetime. Many things I cannot explain. Stuff that happened whereby I was powerless to anything about it. No one to talk to who would listen. Writing for me is a 'release.' A way of explaining all that happened, all the what ifs, all the suppose this or suppose that. A way of bringing all this and more to life. Giving 'stuff' a place, a name, a personality, a way to express itself. Going deep into ones subconscious mind; letting all the colours, sounds, visions and imaginings come to life until I am compelled to write, compelled to write an article or a for my Coaching Newsletter or write a book. I get a feeling of AAhh!! Everytime I complete that which I am inspired to write.
Some things I can't control but I a write a 'what if'. No one wants to listen, Ok, fine. I won't speak, I'll write. I can't explain what happened, well, I'll just write something magical and unimaginable instead. And BROKEN OATH my first book is coming soon.
Some things I can't control but I a write a 'what if'. No one wants to listen, Ok, fine. I won't speak, I'll write. I can't explain what happened, well, I'll just write something magical and unimaginable instead. And BROKEN OATH my first book is coming soon.
Friday, 30 August 2013
Get Some NUTS
This last winter, a brave and bold squirrel kept coming up to
the entrance of my apartment building at the same time each morning whilst I
was on my way to work. At first, I had
no monkey nuts to offer him, and he would not go away but chattered to me for a
considerable while as I tried to convince him I was empty handed. Anyway, so as not to disappoint him next time;
I bought a bag of nuts. And the next
day, there he was, bold as brass, looking through the bottom window on the door
as though he was seriously looking for a long lost friend. I came out of the building; the squirrel
wasn’t even afraid as he came up, stretched out his arms and took the nut which
I offered him. This went on for a few
days and then I never saw him again. As
the weeks went by, I still looked out for that courageous squirrel but he was
nowhere to be seen. Soon, another
squirrel was in the vicinity. I tried to
encourage it to take my nut but even though I could clearly see he wanted to
retrieve it, fear overtook him and he would run off. I would see this squirrel near my apartment often
and each time the situation was the same; I offered him a nut, but fear always overtook
him grasping the opportunity of having a free and effortless snack.
Does this sound like you?
Do you let opportunity pass you by because of your fears? What has it cost you?
Where are you in life now?
How long will you let that moment pass you by? Take courage; GET SOME NUTS!!
A Short Trip To Newcastle
I went to Darlington on August Bank Holiday Monday this week to support my fellow Author with her bestseller campaign for newly released book THE ENCHANTED GRANDFATHER'S CLOCK. Went I got to there, I could not get the carriage door open and the conduct on the train was not very helpful in explain to me how to open the door. As a result, the train moved on and I ended in Newcastle. A few years ago I would have panicked tremendously. But I thought well, I am still in the UK. I had to get the conductor to write me a note stating that I missed my stop to get off and to allow me to get a train back to Darlington. I just had to laugh at the situation because there was nothing else I could do. It turns out you had to open the carriage window and open the door from the outside. There was no sign indicating this. Needless to say I shall be complaining the the train company. (East Coast trains). There carriage is not user friendly plus I could have been disable in some way. I had no help to get off the train. I did have support from some of the passengers. Its nice to know that there are nice people in the world.
I get to Darlington eventually 2 1/2 hours later, and my friend did achieve bestseller status with her book. Well done Charlotte Jones.
I get to Darlington eventually 2 1/2 hours later, and my friend did achieve bestseller status with her book. Well done Charlotte Jones.
Sunday, 25 August 2013
There's a reason for our given committment
Have you ever considered why we are given an Oath? Sometimes it’s for our own protection and we
find that when we take ourselves out from under that umbrella, bad things start
happening to us. According to Dr David R
Hawkins, that’s what happened to Adam and Eve.
Friday, 23 August 2013
So, what's BROKEN OATH about
It's about 2 high status
beings who, through circumstances took an Oath. One made a promise and
the other well, the commitment was forced upon him but that's too bad.
The Universe does not differentiate. Anyway, an opportunity
presented itself for both parties to deviate from their order to pursue
personal indulgences. Bad call. A scenario now has to be put in
place to bring them back on track. They will have to decide, Oath or
pleasure. Hmm! Tough choice. Luckily no one will lose a finger.
Someone once said. "The Oath you took is the
Oath you took and some Oaths cannot be broken." No wonder our lives are in a mess. We are all trying to get back on track (or get away from it.) Time to reflect and meditate don't you think!
Thursday, 22 August 2013
How many times do we break an Oath
Hi there
How many times have you broken an Oath? Most people would say they have never made one. The fact is, everyone has. From the time you reincarnated into this lifetime, you took an Oath to accept 'life.' To uphold the life God or nature gave you. Not only that, there was something you said you would do. Something you said you would learn. Something you said you would deliver. And what happen, you grew up and forgot all that you promised; You turned left when you should have gone right. You moaned and complained about your life, your birthday, your job, the neighbours and anything else you can think of.
Well my friend, your life sucks because its all down to that Oath you took from the very beginning. The Oath you fail and are still failing to uphold. You know what it is, or rather your subconscious mind does. It's up to you to dig down inside your soul and find the answer.
One day I was listening to an audio book by Dr David R Hawkins who is an internationally known spiritual teacher, author and speaker. Whilst listening to him speak to the audience, he stated that one of his finger was missing. It just so happened that another gentleman in audience also has one of his finger missing. Dr Hawkins claims that they had both broken an Oath, whether it be in this or another lifetime and this was the result. A reminder to them of that broken Oath. The finger will remain until they mend their committment. The interesting thing is, they both have no idea what that Oath was. I suppose that until they each make it their goal to find out, they will always have that missing finger in each and every lifetime.
I get that. Everything was off key in all areas of my life until I finally began to uphold the Oath I made to the Universe. Now everything is coming together.
If things are not right in your life, what is it that you are not doing or upholding?
And another thing, whilst it may be acceptable to go through life with one finger missing. In which case you may assume that it is OK to break some Oaths, there are some promises that cannot be broken. Once you make it, there is no getting away from it. It cannot be nulled and void. It IS and always shall be and if you break it, nature and/or circumstances will do all in its power to bring you back on track.
And if you are curious to know more about this subject, then you must read my new fantasy fiction novel; BROKEN OATH.
I have just received my 'proof copy' of my book for final proofreading before launch.
Look out for BROKEN OATH by D. A. MARTIN it's COMING SOON!!!
How many times have you broken an Oath? Most people would say they have never made one. The fact is, everyone has. From the time you reincarnated into this lifetime, you took an Oath to accept 'life.' To uphold the life God or nature gave you. Not only that, there was something you said you would do. Something you said you would learn. Something you said you would deliver. And what happen, you grew up and forgot all that you promised; You turned left when you should have gone right. You moaned and complained about your life, your birthday, your job, the neighbours and anything else you can think of.
Well my friend, your life sucks because its all down to that Oath you took from the very beginning. The Oath you fail and are still failing to uphold. You know what it is, or rather your subconscious mind does. It's up to you to dig down inside your soul and find the answer.
One day I was listening to an audio book by Dr David R Hawkins who is an internationally known spiritual teacher, author and speaker. Whilst listening to him speak to the audience, he stated that one of his finger was missing. It just so happened that another gentleman in audience also has one of his finger missing. Dr Hawkins claims that they had both broken an Oath, whether it be in this or another lifetime and this was the result. A reminder to them of that broken Oath. The finger will remain until they mend their committment. The interesting thing is, they both have no idea what that Oath was. I suppose that until they each make it their goal to find out, they will always have that missing finger in each and every lifetime.
I get that. Everything was off key in all areas of my life until I finally began to uphold the Oath I made to the Universe. Now everything is coming together.
If things are not right in your life, what is it that you are not doing or upholding?
And another thing, whilst it may be acceptable to go through life with one finger missing. In which case you may assume that it is OK to break some Oaths, there are some promises that cannot be broken. Once you make it, there is no getting away from it. It cannot be nulled and void. It IS and always shall be and if you break it, nature and/or circumstances will do all in its power to bring you back on track.
And if you are curious to know more about this subject, then you must read my new fantasy fiction novel; BROKEN OATH.
I have just received my 'proof copy' of my book for final proofreading before launch.
Look out for BROKEN OATH by D. A. MARTIN it's COMING SOON!!!
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